Do You Need a Vest for a Service Dog?

Having a service dog provides an individual with the freedom to do things that a disability or challenge may otherwise not allow them to do. These specially trained canines are more than just companions, they can be the eyes, ears, hands and even medical alert that makes a huge difference in the lives of those who need one.
When we see a person with a dog in a public setting, the service dog is usually wearing a red or blue vest to identify it as a working dog. Why do you need a vest for a service dog? The reasons may surprise you.
Service Dog Regulations
Under the American Disabilities Act (ADA) a service dog is defined as a canine that is specifically and individually trained to perform tasks for people with disabilities. These can include;
- Guiding the blind
- Alerting the deaf
- Pulling a wheelchair
- Alerting and protecting those with seizures
- Alerting those with mental illness to take a medication
- Calming a person with PTSD or other anxiety issues
These dogs are working animals and are therefore not regarded as an ordinary pet. This means those folks with a service animal will be given access to public places and housing where other animals may not normally be allowed.
A service animal must also be under control at all times with the aid of a harness, tether or leash. If the person is unable to use these devices, then the dog must be under full control by using voice, hand or other means of command.
How Can a Person Get a Service Dog?
In order to be eligible for a service dog, you must first be disabled under the definition of the American Disability Act (or the one applicable in your country). This will be determined by a doctor and put in writing.
The next step is that you will have to know exactly what the tasks are the service dog is going to be performing for you (ie, alerting, guiding, retriever etc.). This is what your dog will be trained to do, usually through an accredited agency that specializes in training and providing service dogs.
In addition, you will have to be willing to wait for your service dog to be trained. This can take up to three years depending on what the dog needs to do.
Lastly, service dogs are costly. These specialized pooches can run upwards of $25,000 if you use a trainer! Remember that you are able to train your own service dog.
Why Identification for Service Dogs is Important
Although it is not required by law, it’s always best to provide a service dog with a vest or other identification stating that it is a working dog. These vests are specially designed with “service dog” printed on them or badges that clearly id them as a working animal. This simply attire allows the handler to freely access those areas that may otherwise be restricted to pets. For example, if you were to try to get a dog through an airport security without the proper service dog vest or badge, it would be a huge hassle.
Service dog vests also stop the general public from making a fuss when a person brings the dog into other public places like restaurants. In addition, this type of identification also alerts people to the fact that the service dog is not just a pet, but is there to aid the individual. Therefore, the animal should never be approached, spoken to or petted without the consent of the handler. Any distraction to the dog could cause harm to the individual that needs the canine to be “on duty.” Register your service dog by clicking the link below.
Service Dog Rules
You and your service dog have rights and there are rules in place to protect those rights. These include;
- People can only make minimal inquiries about your disability if it is not obvious. In fact, there are only two questions they can ask; is the dog required for a disability and if so, what task(s) does the dog perform?
- The service dog cannot be denied access to public areas because of a fear of dogs or an allergy. The person or people who suffer from fear and allergies to dogs must also have provisions made available to them.
- The working canine can only be removed from a public area due to unruly behavior or it’s not housebroken.
- Service dogs are allowed in those areas that sell/prepare food
- The handler cannot be treated differently, secluded to a different area or charged more (as with airlines or hotels) to have their service dog with them.
Service Dogs Are Important
There’s a reason why service dogs have special privileges, rights, and even identification, it’s because these animals perform important tasks each day. Having the aid of a service dog allows the person with a disability to live a normal life.
The next time you see a service dog, remember what you’ve read here today and know these dedicated canines may be that person’s lifeline.
About the Author: The writing team at Service Dog Certifications is made up of folks who really know their stuff when it comes to disability laws and assistance animals. Many of our writers and editors have service dogs themselves and share insights from their own experiences. All of us have a passion for disability rights and animals.
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I have a guide dog however I don’t want to keep having to put him in it If someone trys to tell me he isn’t a guide dog what should I do
I assume by it you mean a vest. A vest is not required however it does make your life easier, with out it you are going to be told pets can’t be here and you will steadily have to say he’s a service dog.
I have a certified service dog for my disability and he is quite well behaved but I was recently berated and said that the store owner didn’t have to let us in. He said my dog was a danger to the customers and that people were uncomfortable. I started having a panic attack so we left. All I needed was a gallon of milk. I’m so mortified. I was told that I abused my privelige to be let in and that I’m lying about having paperwork. I don’t think I can take this anymore
Where is the Vest & pack from in the picture at beginning of this article? Want to buy one!!!
From Elle McSweeney
I believe that image is from an image bank. This website sells some other service dog vests. It doesn’t have a pack, but I rather like that blue service dog tag
What if the dogs are not service dogs but owner says they are? Or owner claims dog is emotional support animal. HOA cc&r rules say dogs cannot be over 35 lbs. None of the dogs wear vests.
I assume HOA is Home owner association? Do you see how they stand up to a Federal Discrimination suit. Their rules are good and valid, because it’s a attempt to keep the area safer for children and sr adults. But remember a true service dog will not be running around lose, even when it goes to do their personal business.
My dog as a puppy was $3,000.00 at just eight+ a few days old. This was before he was trained. He will not leave my side.
He has a job to do, and as a owner of a service dog I have a responsibility to walk him outside in his run, stay till he comes back in his position to return inside. Their are no short cuts in this relationship, he is not your family pet for the kids with a sign.
You might as well park in a handicap space because you can get a note on line. The HOA can not tell me that I can not by into the area. They can not ask my medical questions, but I am a DAV. But I am somewhat open to a point. I understand their concerns but taking your well trained service dog and a copy of the law will set this topic to rest.
You want to be in good relationship with your new friends next door. At some point their little dogs will discover they can bark at your dog and he will not break from his work. Not very fair but it’s life.
Question, what if the dog is handicapped because of seizers can he wear emotional vest or service vest in order to allow the dog enter public place that request service dog only?
No if the dog is Handicapped leave it HOME !!!!
no, the dog must be a service dog. It requiring services does not make him a service dog.
A service dog is dog that helps people with disabilities. A service dog is NOT a dog that has a handicap itself.
The vest it to show the dogs is helping the person. Troy is right to leave your dog at home if it has a handicap. Places will tell you the dog is not allowed and if you sue them you will lose.
I work with disabled vets all the time so I totally get their need for a service dog. They are life savers for the people who need them. However, as someone who has been bitten countless time and is terrified of dogs the need pet owners feel to take their dogs everywhere has made my life hell. I can’t even go to the hardware store to get supplies without coming face-to-face with a NON-service dog!!!! Keep your PETS at home where they belong!
Have you read this article? I suffer from bipolar and PTSD and have paid thousands of dollars to have my dog trained to be my service dog. I would never wish my illness on you so please, show compassion for those of us who really do have a need for them.
If you’re getting bit by dogs this frequently then you’re likely the problem, not the dogs.
Can you get a free support vest if you’re on social security
I work in a grocery store and I LOVE all animals. I know it must not be fun to put the vest. Maybe some type of collar. Every time I receive complaints from other customers why a dog is inside the grocery cart. And since we are not supposed to ask. Rules are not very clear.
Service dogs are not allowed in a cart. Those are emotional support dogs at best, or just pets.
There are some situations where service dogs are allowed in carts. If it is a smaller service dog and using a cart is easier for the handler to navigate a store, it can be allowed.
I’m a veteran from the Vietnam era, I have PTSD -I have a dog which that gives me the love and security I need to control the feelings this war took away and left in my mind, my dog is calm, doesn’t react to other dogs and cats near him, his people friendly ( which I question some times) He’s not only a Service animal but a Therapy animal as well.He’s been accepted into hospitals to support patiences and well received.
So to clarify “Service Dog” from Jessica comment – if you don’t agree with the term then maybe you should to ask Veteran and listen to what they say – hoping that’ll shed some light.
Bravo Ruben, and thank you for your service to our country. God bless you. Just picked up my daughters service medical dog today. They have been training together for 6 months. She is a 95 pound 6 month old great dane. She is only half grown. Expected to get to about 130 pounds full grown. She will support my daughter physically and alerts her to allergies that are life threatening to my daughter. She has Mast Cell disease. Very misunderstood. I expect to get a lot of comments. Going to order her an ID and the cards explaining they are not to be separated. Which, this dog will not allow my daughter to go any step without her
I’m looking for everything I need for my service dog. Including vest, certificate pouch, and cards, with tags, card holder, leash, red vest, everything. I may have missed something but I am not sure.
Jeanne young
While you are not required by law to equip your service dog with any gear (except for a leash or a collar), it’s recommended for them to be visibly equipped as a service dog. Vests and IDs sure help when confronted with people out in the public. You may find this article on all you need to know on service dog supplies interesting:
Hi..thank you for providing all the above information. I was in a terrible motorcycle accident that has rendered me disabled. Recently, my physicians have suggested I get a service dog to help with some of my issues. I am a HUGE dog/animal lover and used to pre-K9 train military and police dogs – thus experienced training them. I aim to acquire a very specific pup and will train him myself. My doctors have each written letters of support and are willing to aide me in this process anyway necessary, may I register the puppy as a certified service animal as I personally train him to be my partner/companion? If so, how do I proceed?
A service dog in training is technically not a service dog, yet. Only once your dog can perform the task needed, it can officially be called a service dog. Besides, you do not need to certify a service dog. A dog becomes a service dog once it’s fully trained to assist with the handler’s disability. Some service dog owners however procure accessories like IDs, certificates, badges, and vests to signal to members of the public that their dog is on duty. You can order a vest with a patch saying “Service Dog in Training.” That can help prevent other people from approaching and disturbing your training session. You may find this article on service dog requirements and training interesting Best of luck with your puppy! I’m sure he’ll bring you great joy and will be of great assistance to you.
People that claim they have a service dog must be actually trained fro assist their owners disability. People with a service dog that are visiting another person who is a renter where their rental agreement states no pets may legally not be allowed to bring their animals into that owners property as it is not public.
For the best dog training facility in Albany Call All Dawgs Training. All Dawgs offers obiedence, agility training, and Dog Boarding.
Just a comment to anybody who has young kids say 8-12 yrs old……There is a book that I just got done reading “A Dog Like Daisy” wherein its a short novel explaining where someone with in the book has PTSD, and it tells in the eyes of Daisy, what he endures during training etc. I found it so informative that I wanted to do more research about it. Quite informative, and it should to younger children or family members who has someone that needs a service dog. I have no need for a dog, even though I’m disabled, but I just wanted to pass the information about the book onto others that might learn from it.
I witnessed a service dog being kicked inside Walmart on John Ben Sheppard in Odessa Tx between 12:30-1:00pm How can service dogs be protected from abuse?
I’m very sorry for this pup being abused. No excuses for for any kind of abuse to any animal , service or otherwise. I live in Littleton Co. and lately I’ve been having issues with rester-aunts telling me that my 14 year old service pup can’t sit in my lap and eat of my hand. I have had two TBIs and have had 34 surgeries on my feet for club feet as a child.I’m also dealing with PTSD and my pup was trained to not put his nose or any part of his body on the tables. I’m having trouble with health people stating the same rules I paid 900$ for my pup to be trained and I was involved also. Never any excuse to kick any pup for a health persons misgivings about the laws in this country about service pups. My pup has never had a problem except for some rude people that I feel just don’t like dogs! I have read and re read the ADA rules and I just wish the resteraunts and health control people would get on the same page so I can stop feeling like a second class person because of my disability I was born with and my injury after a fall and getting car jacked and run over by my own body and head were run over and by the grace of God I’m still able to enjoy my grandgirls , sons , and wife of 43 years. Does anyone have any suggestions other than not going to these places to eat because of other people not training there service animals correctly and having it fallback on those of us that do train our service pups etc. in a way that doesn’t offend or hurt anyone else. Most places we go my Butkus pup are treated ok because of darn cute this pup is and how well behaved he is. There’s always some places that don’t explain the service animal rules to employees and that can really make for a bad result as it has done tome more than once. I’m just looking to help disabled folks like myself and continue to live my life without making others feel like they need to complain about me period. My pup also only barks when I’m going to have a sezour. That’s amazing for this breed but I’d be happy to prove my words anytime. Thanks
Hi Tim!
I’m sorry that you’re dealing with these issues. As a fellow Brain surgery survivor my heart goes out to you! It is so stressful just leaving the house when you’re constantly dealing with Chronic pain and physical limitations, never-mind having to deal with rude, ignorant, judgmental people. This is one of the main reasons why many folks with disabilities just stay at home.
Regarding the issues that you’ve experienced at Restaurants, there are a few things you can do in order to advocate for yourself and your service Dog.
1. Always carry business cards on you at all times that clearly state the ADA laws regarding service Dogs. You can print them out on card-stock paper at home and keep them in the saddle-bag on your Dog’s vest. The Card should also include your Email address ( a professional one). It’s best to create a new free Email account solely for this purpose.
If someone gives you a difficult time
make sure to remain polite & positive, but, FIRM!
Explain to the individuals that you are complying with the law. If that doesn’t work and they’re still asking you to leave, make sure to request the name(s) & job title(s) of the employee(s) who are asking you to leave.
Give one of your ADA cards to whomever is in charge of the establishment at that moment. Tell them to give it to the General Manager of the establishment and explain that you will be contacting him/her. If the individual is the General Manager make sure to politely let him/her know that you will be reaching out to the District manager/Owner/Franchise owner.
2. Follow up with the Managers/Owners of the Restaurant and explain that you have a legal right which allows your service Dog access to any/all public spaces. I’ve found that it’s best to correspond via Email as everything is documented.
3. Here’s a different approach.
When you first visit a Restaurant with your service Dog, you can ask to speak to the Manager and introduce yourself and your Dog.
Being open and transparent ( as much as your comfortable with) helps tremendously!
Phony Service Dogs with their lying, inconsiderate, narcissistic handlers are always worried that they’ll be “outed” as being frauds.
Being straightforward works. It’s a good ice breaker and if the employees see you with their Boss, they’re much less likely to challenge you or give you an attitude as well.
I hope this helps!
God Bless!
If you need an ID card for your service dog, please see this link:
I’m afraid that you are very much in the wrong in this case. Your Dog belongs either on the Floor or Crated on the Seat beside you not being fed on your lap. You are introducing extremely unsanitary situations by allowing both things in this scenario. A loose Animal so very near the Table and it’s Contents and Feeding the Animal from your Hands which also touch those Items.
It is made extremely clear in most All cases of the ADA that We as Disabled Handlers are to be Responsible and Respectful of where and how we keep our Service Animals stowed in Public Spaces to ensure Utmost Safety and Sanitary Conditions dor Everyone concerned including our Service Animal. Please pay very close attention to the ADA Rules and their Suggestions for Best Practices. Personally, I would not want to be seated at the Table you had just occupied after you and your Dog just left. My German Shepherd Service Dogs have Always laid at my Feet on a Towel that I bring specifically for them to laty on under the Table. I assure that they are cared for in my Vehicle with Water and enough Food to suffice until we are once again Home. This assures Their Comfort while I Dine but They do not have to relieve Themselves from having had too much. My Service Dogs have Always been The Very BEST Dogs in my World and we have Loved One Another beyond All Words that could ever express that Love 🐾✨️😊 All Animals Deserve at Least That Much from Us. May God Bless Them All Great and Small ~
Have a disabled friend homeless and his dog is already registered ESA but he needs a new harness. Where could I send him for help?
Please see this link: