Service Dog Requirements

The ADA defines a Service Animal as a dog individually trained to perform tasks or do work for the benefit of a person with a disability. A disability can be a physical impairment, but the ADA also includes mental illnesses that substantially limit one or more major life activities, such as depression, severe anxiety, or PTSD.
This article will cover the qualification requirements to be a Service Dog handler, what training and tests can be expected for your Service Dog, and what to expect when in public. After covering the legal rights of Service Dogs, we’ll present options for facilitating interactions with the public, including specialized Service Dog accessories and identification.
What are the Service Dog requirements?
Training a dog to become a service animal is available to individuals who have a disability. If you are interested in having a service dog, below are requirements to be aware of:
Eligibility: A person is eligible for a service dog if they have a physical, emotional, or mental health disability
Training: The dog must be trained to take a specific action when needed to assist the person with a disability. The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability. The ADA does not require professional training; people with disabilities have a right to train the dog themselves.
Behavior: A service dog must be under its handler’s control at all times.
Verification: If it is not obvious what service the dog provides, the handler must be willing to answer two questions about their service dog. These two questions are: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform? Staff are not allowed to request any documentation for the dog, require that the dog demonstrate its task, or inquire about the nature of the person’s disability.
Identification: Optionally, it can help service dogs to be clearly identified with accessories like ID cards, vests, tags, and certificates.
How does my dog become a Service Dog?
Consider these four simple steps to help you understand how your dog can become a service dog.
- Determine if you have an eligible disability
- Train your Service Dog
- Pass a Public Access Test
- Consider Service Dog Certification and Registration
Service Dogs serve an important function for those in our community who need special care. It’s crucial for both Service Dog handlers and the general public to be aware of what Service Dog requirements are.
Step 1: Determine if you have an eligible disability
Under the ADA, you must have a qualifying condition to have a Service Dog. The condition can take many forms (physical, mental, etc.). Physical disabilities include conditions like visual impairment, limited mobility, and hearing loss. The physical or mental impairment must substantially limit a major life activity like the ability to work, move about, socialize, or sleep.
Some common conditions that qualify for Psychiatric Service Dogs are anxiety, depression, and PTSD, but this list is not exhaustive. For psychiatric disabilities, a common first step is to be evaluated by a Licensed Mental Healthcare Practitioner (LMHP) who can write a letter confirming your eligibility. These PSD letters typically have the following traits:
- written on the licensed healthcare professional’s letterhead
- dated and signed by the professional
- contain the professional’s contact information, license number, license date, and state of licensure
- contain the professional’s opinion on whether you have a mental or emotional disability that can qualify for a psychiatric service dog
Step 2: Training your Service Dog
To be considered a Service Dog, a dog must be individually trained to perform a job or task relating to your disability. Be aware that there is no official organization that sets training standards in the U.S. You are not required to work with a trainer – the ADA allows handlers to train their dogs on their own.
While there’s no minimum requirement in the US, some private standards suggest approximately 120 hours over six months. Some sources recommend that at least 30 hours (about ¼ of the time) be spent in public to help train the dog for moments of distraction and when surprises come their way. While not required, it can be helpful for Service Dogs to wear relevant accessories so that people in public can adjust their behavior accordingly.
The most important thing for you to teach your Service Dog is tasking or learning the specific skill they will be performing to help assist with your disability. There are countless tasks Service Dogs are called on to perform, including guiding the visually impaired, pulling a wheelchair, sensing a medical alert, tactile stimulation during a panic attack, reminding the handler to take their medication, scouting a room for someone with PTSD, or grounding/blocking in public areas.
Step 3: Pass a public access test
In addition to training your dog to perform tasks that assist with your disability, it is important for a service dog to be able to comport itself appropriately in public by passing a public access test.
Public Access Criteria:
- No aggressive behavior towards people and other animals.
- Refrain from sniffing behaviors unless released to do so.
- No solicitations for food or affection while on duty.
- No over-excitement and hyperactivity in public.
- Able to tolerate novel sights and sounds in various public settings.
- No unruly behavior or excessive barking.
- No relieving themselves in public without being given a specific command.
Once your dog is properly trained, your next step is to decide how you prefer to identify your service dog.
Step 4: Service Dog Certification and Registration
In the United States, service dog certifications and service dog identifications are not legally required. Staff at a public establishment cannot solicit documentation, such as proof that the animal has been certified, trained, or licensed as a Service Dog, as a condition for entry.
Despite the limited verification requirements established by the law, staff at many public establishments will still insist on IDs or other tangible proof of Service Dog status. Service Dog handlers often find it helpful to have documents and accessories that help signal that their dog is trained and at work in order to prevent being met with hostility and confusion.
Electing to carry a custom Service Dog ID card and Service Dog Vest may be helpful tools for you and your service dog to navigate public spaces. You may also choose not to carry the ID card and stand your ground on principle when you encounter people ignorant of service dog rights. Under ADA rules, staff at a venue may only ask two questions if the handler’s disability is not apparent: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform?

After you verbally confirm that your dog is a trained service dog, reasonable accommodations must legally be made for service dogs. Service Dogs can go anywhere their handlers can go, provided they do not pose a health or safety hazard to others. If a particular service animal behaves in a way that poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, has a history of such behavior, or is not under the control of the handler, that animal may be excluded. If an animal is excluded for such reasons, staff must still offer their goods or services to the person without the animal present. It’s important to understand these rules so you know what rights you have as the owner of a Service Dog and when third parties are violating your rights.
You’re all caught up on what it takes to have a Service Dog!
Unable to train your dog as a service dog?
You may be interested in an Emotional Support Animal instead. ESAs do not require specific training, have access to no-pet apartments, and are exempt from breed or weight restrictions. Click here to learn more about ESAs.
In short, ESAs are protected under Federal Housing Regulations (but not the ADA), meaning that you cannot be charged any pet rent, deposits, or fees, nor can you or your ESA be denied housing on the grounds of living with a pet, with very few exceptions.
To qualify for an ESA, you must have a licensed mental health practitioner (including, but not limited to, psychologists, therapists, social workers, GPs/PCPs, etc.) write a letter affirming that you have a qualifying condition (including, but not limited to, depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc.) that is helped by an emotional support animal. Additionally, unlike Service Animals, ESAs do not necessarily have to be dogs; cats, rabbits, and birds are other common choices.
Ready to register and ID your dog?
Service Dog ID Card
Avoid Confusion with a Service Dog ID and Registration
Registering your service dog with Service Dog Certifications provides you with an identification card and 24/7 access to our Service Dog Registry. Your Service Dog ID card will have your registration number listed so that a third party can look up your service dog’s information at any time.
An ID card for a service dog can be helpful as it provides a quick and easy way to communicate the dog’s status to others, potentially reducing misunderstandings or challenges in public places like stores, hotels or restaurants. However, always keep in mind that the Americans with Disabilities Act does not require service animals to have any form of identification, and their access rights are not contingent upon possessing an ID.
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About the Author: The writing team at Service Dog Certifications is made up of folks who really know their stuff when it comes to disability laws and assistance animals. Many of our writers and editors have service dogs themselves and share insights from their own experiences. All of us have a passion for disability rights and animals.
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I have a chihuahua who is less than three pounds. He is also 3years of age. I work as a caregiver at my job and i would like to take him with me to work. He is a companion animal but I need him to be trained as a service animal. I want him to be able to access my needs as a disabled person. I have bi polar and I barely know how to see my moods myself. Is there any way you can train my dog to do just that? Katharine E Thomas
I too have a chihuahua and have BiPolar Disorder and Anxiety Disorder. My chi is young. I adopted her 7 months ago, at 4 months old. I immediately got her into obedience training with an outstanding local trainer. She has now completed two rounds of beginner obedience. The trainer explained that she needs to be very competent with basic training long before we begin more advanced training. She is now ready for the Good Citizen’s Class. If needed, I will repeat that as well. I’ve learned that clicker training is such a positive and consistent way to train her. Two books that I have found quite helpful are “Clicking With Your Dog” By Peggy Tillman and “How to Train a Service Dog” by John Maxton. There are also some good videos on training a service dog on You Tube. Just be sure you choose one training method and be consistent, patient, and positive with your dog. The ONLY negative reinforcement I was taught to use was for her growling and barking at people. Any aggressive behavior must be extinguished as quickly as possible. Our trainer impressed my pup with what are called “throw chains”. Used sparingly, and thrown on the floor for the aggressive behavior, my chi learned within days to stop growling and barking. The chains do the work, so be sure not to yell or be angry. Your Dog will need to be impressioned and you trained by a professional trainer to do this correctly. It can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years to successfully train a service dog. And we have to decide that we are okay with them becoming a “working dog” with their focus on us and our needs,unless we release them for short times when they can interact with other people. If you don’t want to be that strict with your dog, then I’d recommend helping them to simply be an emotional support dog, which requires much less training and doesn’t require the restrictions and undivided attention on you that a service dog requires. The ADA requires that a Service Dogmust perform very specific tasks to assist a person with a disability. Good luck!
I have deep depression it hurts to think of the bad stuff . I go to a therapy talk to her . I ask her should I get a therapy dog she said yes please help me
Im sick and i need my dog as a sevice dog. Need help
Hi Leslie,
Did you get the help you were seeking?
Hi how do I apply for a service dog I have a eight week old white goldren retiver who would would be great to start training as service dog for me to help me thank you Janice Holmes-ormston
Hello, I am deaf, I had Dr note say disability dog support for deaf,and emontional, I was trained pup grow up 4 old , she is very smart guard side by me everyday , When door knock, or theif try break in, she growl loud bark make me wake up and she ready guard side me like block off people not touch us , ,,, now she is stay farm sad of me because,
I tired asked landlord say no , must 25 lbs and not over lbs , 250.00 fee dog , than 25.00 month live apartment SASKATOON, I say ok landlord I don’t want fight deal landlord , I say nothing do it ,, I know dog is best for me safe guad safe life , but sad, story, one Rottweiler cross passed away 9 old , she is illness where best trained myself teach her rott, so now she’s daughter dog is tick blue coonhound cross very smart and huge that best young 4 old now , I cant get certification dog for support dog deaf for DISABILITY,,landlord say me must cerfication, very rude , I say nothing do with landlord , my patient , I skills about dogs , I was worked paws with under spca , best know me good worked with dogs skilled, but still landlord say no , they want me have prove it where Dr note , I did once Dr note paper to landlord accepted for my dog was Rottweiler name Molly passed away, now next Shelly, but landlord say have new Dr note paper for Shelly if new dog , I make sick of thing again , I am ready nothing no morenasking question for them
Your landlord is not allowed to deny your service dog or even an emotional support animal. It is against the law. His rule for under 25lbs and pay a fee is for pets not service dogs. Tell him you do not have to pay for a service dog and you do not have to abide by the “pet weight rules” for a sevice dog and if he has a problem with it that you will take legal action. It should get him off your case and stop lying to you.
That’s ILLEGAL! See if you can find a lawyer through someone at the Americans with Disability Department – sometimes it HELPS to Start at the top – D.C. and work your way down! I moved in here with 2 SERVICE DOGS – SCOUT just passed away 11 days ago, unexpectedly! He was a 120 lb Golden Shepherd and my second Service Dog is a 90 lb. Black Lab! I refused to back down and the office manager contacted their Head Office – got everything straight pretty quickly. THERE’S NO “Pet fee, no pet rent and no pet deposit” that can be charged! I will have to “pay for any damages” they may incur – my dogs have NEVER destroyed or damaged anything in the last 11 years! LEGALLY there CAN’T be any retribution for any actions on your part to make sure your ADA RIGHTS AREN’T VIOLATED!! CALL CITY ATTORNEY’S & let them know what’s happening ask if they will help you!
Well worded….Thanks
This is a very helpful replay. Thank you.
I have a 5yr old min poodle. I was diagnosed with MS, fibromyalgia and PML. What do I need to do to train her as a service dog?
I have a lot of problems with my balance and bending down to pick up items. She is super friendly but will sometimes bark when she gets bored
You can either find a trainer who will teach your dog the tasks that you need, or you can take it upon yourself. Depending on your relationship with your dog and how willing your dog is to serve your needs, training yourself will involve more or less time and patience. You may find this guide with some basic service dog training interesting
How do I get a trainer for my 10 month old bully to be ESA for I have bipolar, panic attack, ptsd etc
It’s probable your dog can be trained as a Service Dog – granting him/her access to any place you have access- EXCEPT for Churches – ask the Minister or Priest ahead of time! ESA’s AREN’T given the SAME ACCESS SERVICE DOGS ARE!!
You need to decide if you want a service dog or a therapy dog then can talk further
Hey, to the person with the small dog , do you know where is Manitoba I can get my dog serviced 🙂 thank you !
I had my Dog that I’m training to be a service dog for my son and my personal mental wellness. My son has an Anxiety disorder and at times he physically hurts him self he has severe agricultural and food allergies he has an epiPen . Wen I went to the store she was being very well behaved I was working with her telling her to sit wait she was not barking she was not being bad at all she was doing great . The manager came up and said you can’t have a dog In here . I said she is I. Training to be a service dog they ask me what does she do I told them she keeps my son from having Panic attack and from Physically physically hurting him self along with many other things . They Proceeded proceeded to tell me that is an emotional support dog and I can’t have her . I told them yes she is a service dog and they came back to me a 2 Nd time telling me she is just an emotional support dog and told me I was a Lier and buy time I left I was so up set that I just started to cry . I have put so much time and money. I have dr Diagnosis and therapist psychologist diagnosed my son and me with depression and anxiety. How can store get a way with that ?
See if your Doctor considers your & your son’s needs to be more than what an ESA would need to do. If your dog is a Service Dog – that BS WON’T fly and their Corporate Office Might be interested in your treatment in their store and possible Lawsuits over violating your ADA Covered Rights!!
I have a anxiety and PTSD disorder. My Teddy bear doodle is doing amazing in training,But I don’t want anyone thinking she’s fake any advice ?
Teddy sounds like an awesome companion. Make sure Teddy is thoroughly trained to perform the tasks as well as for public access. Then you may consider getting an ID or vest to make it more obvious that your dog is on duty. If your dog is under control at all times and can focus on his tasks, then you shouldn’t run into too many troubles. You may find this article on how to make your dog a service dog interesting
Hi can a Great Pyrenees be train as service dog 🐕🦺?
Yes! There is a way to do that, including training tasks to aid mood swings and panic attacks, such as what my service animal does, which is paw at my leg when I scratch or stop me from crying. Figure out what you want your SDs tasks to be and train from there. There are no right or wrong tasks. (:
Yes, I am disabled from a severe stroke and have a Chihuahua that is friendly toward everyone but stays close to me. She can be trained to get things like meds for me, be supportive for emotional, sense if not feeling good, ect.. Warns me if people are around at home. But she is 3 years old and about 4 lbs.. Took to store the other day, and she did not bark at no one. That could be a good quality in a service dog. I also have right side neglect, meaning I forget sometimes what I am holding in right hand due to stroke. So letting her tug a bit with the leash reminds me of my right side.
I have a dog I adopted from SAFE He’s intellegent,socalized and small,would like to train him to be service dog . I am disabled and need help who can I get in St.Augustine florida to help me.
There are some things a dog can be trained to do that help bipolar. Breed is not relevant. Any dog of the right intelligence can be trained to do it. My dog can tell when i have been triggered by my body language and tone of voice. Bipolar triggers are not something dogs can detect by smell typically so your dog doesnt need the scenting ability. The dog can alert you that you are triggered and then provide you with an outlet to shift your focus. The dog can also be trained to encourage you to leave triggering situations. The dog can be trained to help you with depression when you struggle to get out of bed and is a deterrent by its presence from some manic reactions like gambling overspending and risky behavior. In short the dog itself is a constant reminder of your condition. You can seek a trainer or train yourself.
Hi I have a shitzu 10 years old. My husband and I are both disabled. How do I go about getting my dog as an emotional service dog. I have anxiety and other and my husband has nerve damage in his legs.
I would consider getting a younger dog, or a pup to train.
I have a 1 year old female mix, but I have a border line PTSD and she will get in my lap along with my other 3 dogs, one full blooded min pin, and the rest a mixed! But my girl helps more than Antone can help me. It is sure funny how now one wants to help a Vet!!!!!
I want to train a service dog dog for someone else, a Vet most likely, I need to wait a few years for schooling though.
Where can I get the public access test done for service dogs? Thank you so much!!!!
I am going to call this article out. You NEVER are required to have documentation that your dog is a service dog.
The public, even police officers, can only ask you two questions. They are trying to make money off of you!
Look at reviews and do your homework. Legitimate training is not cheap. I found an amazing trainer out in Salt Lake City, Utah. That was a minimum of $5,000 for training, equipment, me being trained as the handler, and my dog was tested to make sure her temperament could handle public access.
Going into public is not easy. Getting a service dog is hard work. You have to sometimes defend your dog from the public like kids, adults who should know better, and very inappropriate comments and questions from total strangers about your medical condition, about things you never wanted to know about stranger’s medical conditions.
It is important to weigh the pros and cons. This is not obedience training. I work with my dog every single day. I have boots for hot weather and when paved areas are salted. I have multiple vests for different occasions. I have lots of training tools.
People think that this is easy and you can just register your dog. Please read articles from people who actually have service dogs if you really want to know how to have one. It is a huge decision.
Why does everyone have a chihuahua!! I’m
Lol… I was thinking the same thing.I have a brain aneurysm, with high blood pressure, and multiple psychological / emotional issues.i have ischemic strokes and seizures,often brought on by stress or anything else that can make my blood pressure go up quickly, oh and flashing lights! I don’t understand why but that will bring on a seizure faster than most anything else I think… I have a 13 month old staffy (aka Staffordshire Pitbull terrier). Get name is Sadie. She was being trained by Jake, my pitbull Chow mix that was my service dog for 16 and 1/2 years he just died about a month ago… He didn’t get to finish training Sadie. It’s amazing how she can alert me long before I have a clue that’s I’m going to have one of my spells- she guards me while I’m down, often in Walmart( I can’t figure that one out)… She helps me get up… But I think two things are most important to me -one -she will dive under me to make sure that never again will I need another 17 Staples and 32 stitches in my head from one of my spells and -2- when I wake up confused, stuttering too bad make sense to anyone, and I don’t know where I’m at… as long as she’s there I know I’m okay because I don’t even stress about where I am because I know as long as she’s with me, I’m safe. I’m not retarded by any means but I’m not understanding where do I bring Sadie to have her certified legally so that no landlords can give me a hard time. I honestly feel I would die without her.
I do not have any disabilities, however I have a cousin who’s is low functioning autistic. I wanted my dog to become a service dog so that I could voulnteer and bring him around kids with disability like my cousin to help calm them down and make them happy. Is there any way I could do this if it’s not for my own needs? Please help in confirming.
Nicole Aiello
You could train your dog to be a Therapy Dog! A TD provides comfort and support to patients in hospitals, nursing homes, or any other communities that require calming, psychological, and physiological healing. That’s a very noble cause. You may find this article on Therapy Dogs interesting –
That is something I would be interested to know myself.
Hi I have EPILEPSY and I am in need of a service dog how do I go about adopting a trained one already? And have papers done for him or her. My mom has a 3 year old puppy and he won’t be a great trainer for a service dog. My sister has severe anxiety and depression, And my 3 year old niece has seizures. So we are household of people who need a service dog. My sister looks at my mother dog for support so I guess she has him. But what about me?
Hello. I know technically my need could be fulfilled with my dog as an ESA but I need to somehow get her recognized a a service dog so that she can accompany me anywhere. I have a cardio condition where I pass out when I’m under any kind of emotional or physical stress. I have a teacup yorkie that is 6 years old and only weighs 3 lbs. she rarely barks and is very well behaved. She likes to cuddle up in my neck/shoulder area and just feeling her cuddled up relaxes me. Or stroking her hair. But because ESAs don’t have public access, I catch grief from some places when I have her to with me, even though she’s in my arms and not on the floor. I know service dogs have to be extensively trained and are supposed to Only go to the bathroom on command, but I feel I really benefit from having her with me, just holding her and taking her to my job has decreased my syncope episodes significantly.
I have degenerative disc disease, ptsd,, and I am bipolar with major depression as well as copd. My french bulldog Myrle is my service dog. He has a huge job and he takes it very seriously. I trained him myself, he helps me walk, he knows when I am not breathing he’s there when I just need him. He also helps me up when I fall. He’s the best.
I have a Labrador golden retriever one to two uear old a male. Trying to get him to be a service dog for my daughter and me. My daughter is three and Tourette syndrome and autistic. And i have ptsd and anxiety. I was trying to find somewhere to get him certified for us as a service dog.
A service dog can only assist 1 person legally
I have a 3 year old German shepherd that I have had since she was a little under a year old. And I have had a lot of stuff go on in my life in the past 2 years. And now I have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. She has blocked me several times from just walking into traffic to end it all and she has blocked me from others. She hasn’t really had a lot of training besides sit and walk on. Can’t I train her to be a service dog. My psychiatrist said they thought it might be a good thing. They have me on meds for both the depression and the anxiety but sometimes I either have a pantic attack and she comes to me and puts her head in my lap. And calms me down and when the depression is bad she stays by my side and blocks me and pushes me away from the direction of street and puts her head under my hand like she is telling me she needs me here. And if I sit down she puts her head in my lap or under my hand while I cry. And she leans into me as to be giving me a hug. I don’t k ow what I did to deserve her but God has bless me with her. I’ve just had ever trained her to do more that to being a pet. All the rest she has done on her own. I taught her to lead and sit. But so for that’s it. She is a smart dog . I believe I could train her to do the stay, heel. Lay stay drop and leave it. Do you think I could get her registered as a service dog ?
Generally, as I’ve been aware, a service dog can’t provide service for 2 people. If the child goes to school then who does the dog go to serve? It’s confusing for the pup and may be too much too handle.
How do I get help to afford to train my puppy as a anxiety panic depression emotional support dog. I’m currently not working and suffer a lot and I love animals so my roommate got me a puppy but I need help to train him and for him to be an emotional support dog? I can’t find anything but service dogs you can apply for I already have a puppy just need help training.
The help with the expense to train the puppy we have is what I’m trying to find out as well.
I suffered from chronic migraine i need to trained my dog so she cant let me know when am going to get one can someone tell me where i can take her he is 3 months
ESAs don’t require training like service dogs do. If you want to do it anyway that’s cool and probably a good idea, and you could apply many of the same principles of service dog training, but that may be why you’re struggling to find info in it specific to ESAs.
I have a 3, almost 4, year old German Shepherd and he has very overprotective tendencies. Is it too late to train him to be a service dog?? If not, what’s an effective method to stop these overprotective tendencies??
My daughter has type one diabetes, she has and is self training or one year and half border collie, from you tube.
She has done fantastic. He fetches her blood kids her testing strips with his teeth gently from.her sensor/metre.
She is sending for her certificate and card,
She has all the service dog gear and badges etc.
She has to go to hospital for monitoring for a week in a ward with me, but thinks her dog is allowed with her and to school if she has just these, she will not listen to me that its just for shops and travel.etc.
She is so adamament,
She also suffer s from anxiety and feels she needs him.
What other requirements does she need for hospital and school?
She and or you can explain to the hospital and the school what the dog does for your daughter and that the dog is being trained as her Service Dog. Most hospitals will accommodate for the dog with no issue as long as it is not a truly sterile environment such as ICU, etc. The school can be harder but can be done. I would start by talking to the principal, and the superintendent of the school. You may find that they are compliant with her bringing the dog once they are aware that the dog will pose no threat to others, or be a major distraction in classrooms.The dog does need to have the high obedience training to the point where it can sit or lay quietly for hours while your daughter is either in class or having a treatment at the hospital. That does take time. The principal and your daughter’s teachers can have a meeting with the other students to let them know that your daughter will be bringing her Service Dog to school with her and they are not to interact or interfere with the dog unless given permission by your daughter such as during a time out, potty break, study hall or lunch break. Stand your ground, the school does have to comply and allow your daughter to bring her Service Dog with her to school. You may have to fight for it but it can be done if you are persistent with it. Good luck!!
I am starting the process of getting a service dog. I am planning on training it myself. The trainer I talked to does service dog training with k9 good citizen and AKC. Is there any other classes that are required?
No, although it is required to take the public access test.
There are no requirements for service dog trainers, but all classes are beneficial.
You don’t just “get” a dog certified. It takes years of training for a competent properly trained service dog. It’s no joke and a lot of work. It’s also a big commitment on the handlers part. They are a blessing to those who truly need them. I suggest you apply for a dog from a reputable service dog organization.
I am completely unable to walk. I have been bed-ridden for over 4 years. I am getting a power chair which will allow me to get out of bed & go places. I have an AWESOME long-haired dachshund who is 15 years old. I have had him since he was 3 months old. Is there anyway I can register him as a Service Dog? He has truly gotten me through so many hard times, & even stopped me twice when I tried to kill myself!! I want to be able to take him with me wherever I go. Please, can you PLEASE tell me what I can do? Thank you so very much for your time!!!
If your dog is 15 years old, you might not want to put him/her to work because it could put strain on the dog. It also takes 6months/1year to be fully trained and certified service dog. Do what you think would be good, I suggest the canine good citizen class to get started on training after obedience is down. Good luck with training!
Did you say your dog was 15? I am not trying to be mean or anything as I am a dog lover 15 is like a hundred in human age. The dog needs at least 3 months to 2 years, being trained in order to become a service animal. It has to be able to perform specific things, tasks that new need accomplished. the best you can hope for with your dog is to register it as an emotional support animal but emotional support animals are not the same as service animals. Emotional support animals cannot go everywhere, they are allowed to go on airplanes and used for purposes of not having to pay a pet policy on your rent payment. Hope that has helped some!
Jennifer Kuceraera, 50 year old with SMA type 1
Most legitimate service dog handlers would not use a 15 year old dog to work because it’s not fair to the dog. He would need to perform a task such as interrupting self harm behaviors or alerting to panic attacks to qualify as a service animal. Simply being present and aiding you that way would qualify him to be a ESA, which do not have public access rights.
I didn’t intend to post my comment as a reply. I thought it was being posted as a separate comment, not under someone’s.
I didn’t intend to post my comment as a reply. I thought it was being posted as a separate comment, not under someone’s.
Sherryl, just have him made a emotional support animal. Typically anywhere other than medical facilities will allow him to be with you:m. At 15 he is most likely too old to be trained. I can’t see a dog that old being willing to completely change the way the react socially and with others.
Get him as a emotional support dog. It’s basically the same. Very little work or training.
Hello, I suffer from anxiety and was thinking about getting a service dog for myself. Can I train my dog at home, and will she have to be tested by someone else to confirm that she meets the requirements? Thank you
hi, i also have an anxiety disorder, and depression and it has been limiting my life, i cant go in public places anymore because of my disorder. i was looking into registering my 6 year old dog as an esa but later realized i can only have her on the aircraft and not in public places which is where i need her the most. I do believe you need a doctors note that you need a service dog. You can train your dog at home but it is extremely hard and requires a lot of patience! I would recommend hiring a professional
I also suffer from social anxiety, agoraphobia, and depression. My doctor asked if I had ever considered getting a service dog. All she had to do was write me a prescription (I know it sounds weird!) and that should be enough to get your medical need certificate/letter. Then you get to pick a dog and either have it trained or train it yourself. I’ve been doing some Internet research and there’s a lot of info out there on requirements and training, etc. As far as I understand, you can choose any dog (adopt/rescue or buy) and train them according to what works best for you. I hope that helps!
You dont need to register it in any way. There is no official registration recognition by the government. If you state that your dog is trained to help you with a disability then thats the end of story its your service dog.
You only need a letter from your Dr. for a ESA not a service dog . ESA do not have public Access rights like a service dog has
I am currently trying to register my American Bully as a service dog for my mother. She is a diabetic with occasional bell palsy and vertigo. I primarily want to get Coco registered as a service animal to help with her vertigo, as she sometimes gets overwhelmingly dizzy and collapses without warning when no one is home. Is this the type of medical condition that could qualify Coco as a service dog?
My golden doodle is 10 years old, but he has the disposition to be a wonderful service dog. I have MS and balance is difficult. He is also a large dog that is big enough to help me.
Is he too old to train?
Yes, that would be good. I suggest doing the canine good citizen class, but that’s not required for certification. The only thing that’s required is the public access test which is after all training.
Yes, that would be great. I suggest doing the canine good citizen class, but that’s not required for certification. The only thing that’s required is the public access test which is after all training.
I also have Panic Disorder..My niece bought me a German Shepard pup…I started his training at 8 wks..I had a little background in Obedience Training…German Shepherd dogs are highly intelligent which makes it easy for you to train..George Bush passed a law that you can train your own dog to be a Service Dog…It takes lots of time & patience but you can do it…There are guidelines the dog MUST follow in public, you can goggle those guidelines, example: No jumping on ppl r smelling of ppl, no sniffing things in the store, no barking, peeing, pooping etc…When u train your dog DO NOT LET ANYONE outside of the Immediate family touch your dog…This comes n handy lately bc you do not want anyone to touch your dog n public…I have heard the only time you need a letter from your doctor is if your going to fly on a plane…I am happy to say I have a well-rounded trained dog with a very good temperament but NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN bc dogs of all breeds have a 6th sense for bad ppl…Hope I was of some help!
I’m trying to get my 4 year old dog American Bull , certified as a service dog but not sure which category he would fall in I have daughters 10 and 4 my 10 year old suffers from ADHD depression and anxiety my 4 is having behavioral problem due to our current situation and separation from their dad I had to enroll both of them to see a licensed therapist! My dog is very well trained listens on command! He is great with both of my girls etc. Do I qualify for any of the categories?
If your dog does not provide a service for their depression or anxiety, he may qualify as an emotional support dog.
My boyfriend has a in training service dog and a doctors letter but his apartment complex is not allowing him to have his dog with him because she’s a American pitbull terrier. They said they don’t allow that breed at all. But he has a doctor letter and everything can they do that to him or does my boyfriend has rights? He is training her for his seizures brain damage and depression. He is disabled. Please help!
Emotional Support Animals with letters and registration have no breed restrictions. Obtaining an ESA letter makes it to where even if they don’t allow pets at all they have to allow them. I have an ESA we will be training as a service animal when she grows for seizures as well, she is full blood pit and the apartments I live in have a breed restriction too.
Technically, a service dog is allowed in any apartment or complex, no matter the breed. They should not be allowed to refuse the dog if it is helping a person.
Under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) both service and emotional support dogs are protected under the Fair Housing Act, regardless of breed. So if he has a letter from a treating medical provider expressing need for the dog, he is allowed to have it at any housing complex available to others (apartments, condos, etc). I would recommend informing them of his rights, and if they continue to fight it, you may want to pursue legal retribution because he is indeed allowed to have his dog regardless of any breed restrictions.
If possible I would seek out a lawyer to speak with the tenant(s) and come to an agreement outside of court. The law is on his side! If you can’t get a lawyer(which is super understandable due to $$$) I would do my research and print out the legal documents that state the no-restriction laws on service dog breeds, get those documents notarized by a judge or several judges in your area and then prove your case to the tenants in a professional matter. If all else fails threaten to sue 😂😅
im 17 and i struggle with anxiety and depression. my girlfriend and i are thinking of training our 5 month old dog, he’s a labrador mix. we would really appreciate some help on where to start.
I have a Labrador retriever and I have a 3 year old who is legally deaf and may be autistic. Could I train my dog to be a service dog for her?
Yes, you could have your dog trained to be a guide dog/hearing assistance. I recommend getting a trainer because guide dog tasks aren’t the easiest to train, but do what’s comfortable for you! I hope everything works out for you. -Alyssa
Yes, you could have your dog trained to be a guide dog/hearing assistance. I recommend getting a trainer because guide dog tasks aren’t the easiest to train, but do what’s comfortable for you! Training can be a little hard at times, but never give up, it’s worth it. (:
Yes. You do need to assess what your daughter would need help with in her day to day life that a dog could help with. Since she is deaf, the dog could be taught to alert her to an alarm clock going off for school later as she gets older, trained to listen to you calling your daughter’s name from another room then alert your daughter and bring her to you, etc. There are numerous things that your dog could be taught that would benefit your daughter. I thought of those off hand because you mentioned that she is legally deaf but there are many more I’m sure you or someone else could think of that could be helpful to your daughter that the dog could be taught to do which would qualify your dog as your daughter’s Service Dog. Good luck!
How old is your dog? Labs are very trainable. I would consider it very much.
Hello. I’m mainly interested in getting my dog licensed how to do that. I have promision from my dr that my dog is a service dog but I’m just learning that I will need her lisenced.
I have endometriosis and ovarian cysts…I have very hard days and sometimes cannot even get out of bed. and days that I am very weak and have fainting spells…Would I cover for a service dog or just a therapy dog
Yes, you qualify for a service dog. If any, you would probably need a Medical Alert service animal.
I also have severe endometriosis and ovarian cysts, along with a bladder disease. I’ve had three surgeries this year, and it has left me drained and weak. Some days are extremely hard and my dog is the only reason I can get out of bed on those days. He’s still a puppy (7 months) but he’s very intuitive and he detected cancer in his breeder by pawing/digging at the site of the cancer. He helps me when I’m in pain, and calms me down when I have panic attacks or mood swings. I’m still in college, I struggle to get through the day without him so I would like to be able to bring him with me to campus and in public but so far he’s only an emotional support animal and they’re not allowed in public places. An ESA only needs a letter from a doctor stating you have medical need for an animal and is allowed in any housing, and cannot be denied by a landlord or it is discrimination against a disabled person. A service animal must be trained to perform at least one task specific to your disability although there is no formal test. If you have fainting spells and have a larger breed dog you could train it to protect your head when falling and many people have done this. If you can train them to bark or notify someone when you are ill or unconscious, that works as well. I believe you can even teach them to put pressure on your body in certain places to alleviate pain, or to comfort you with touch when you’re having an episode. I know how hard this disease is to live with, and you shouldn’t have to. I got my dog three months ago and my world is so different, he’s offered me the support I’ve needed in this dark place. You definitely qualify for an emotional support animal just ask your doctor for a letter and tell them you wouldn’t be able to get out of bed and take care of yourself sometimes without your dog, and if you can train them to perform a task/be well behaved you can make them a service dog. I hope you find some comfort throughout this difficult journey and really hope you find a sweet dog to keep you company.
I also suffer from endometriosis and ovarian cysts, as well as a painful bladder disease. I’ve had three surgeries this year and it has left me feeling drained and weak, and I’m still in a great deal of pain most of the time. I’m still in college and it’s hard to get through the day, but my dog has changed everything. I still deal with considerable issues and pain, but he makes it so much easier to handle and there are many days I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed and care for myself if it wasn’t for him. My doctor gave me a letter making him an emotional support animal, so I’m not allowed to be denied housing by anyone or charged for him or it’s discrimination against a disabled persons. He helps me when I’m in pain, and calms me down when I have bad anxiety or mood swings so I would like to be able to take him with me to school and in public to help me throughout the day. Emotional support animals are not allowed in public places, though, just aircrafts. Service dogs are only required to perform one task specific to the person’s disability. You definitely qualify for an ESA just ask your doctor for a letter and they should be willing to write one, if not explain that there are days when you truly cannot care for yourself and get up out of bed if it weren’t for your dog. You probably qualify for a service dog as long as you can train it/make sure it is well behaved. For your specific condition, if you have fainting spells (which are extremely serious and dangerous) it is possible to train a larger breed dog to protect your head in a fall. If not, train your dog to help protect you as best as they can in that event and notify someone that you’re hurt by barking or finding someone. If you struggle with emotional issues either due to a condition or because of your physical state, you can train your dog to apply pressure to certain areas of your body if you need it, or you can train them to comfort you with touch by hugging you, sitting in your lap or beside you, and/or rubbing your back to keep you calm. I truly hope you find some comfort on this rough journey, and I very sincerely hope you get a dog whether it is trained or not. I got Wally three months ago and I don’t know how I made it through the day before that. Good luck!
It’s completely up to your medical specialist, but it sounds like you most likely qualify for medical alert.
My Husband has had two major back surgeries which has left him with debilitating muscle spasms which cause him to fall or drop, chronic pain, cannot straighten up, and has a difficult time try to look up at people when he is talking to them. If he sits to long, he has a very difficult time standing up and usually needs someone to help him walk if he is able to at all at that time. Our shiz-tzu- Chin alerts and barks when he has these attacks or falls and helps keep my husbands panic levels down. Does this qualify as a service dog?
Me and my fiance have a service dog in training. Can a renter deny her just because shes still in training?
If a renter denies, that’s considered breaking the law. Although, you may want to get a doctors note until your dog is fully trained.
I would like to start the process of working with my son as the handler to train our dog as a service dog we can get a letter from his dr no problems as he is in a wheelchair and would benefit greatly from the help of a service dog. I would like to find out how we go about it legally. Thank you in advance for your help
Look Into your state’s laws and regulations each state is different in the SDIT. You could claim her as an ESA until she is fully trained, Due to the Fair housing act and ADA renters cannot deny ESA’S.
Not if you provide documentation stated that you need her
I have a lab/pit 7 months old. I was born with club feet. My puppy is very intelligent and picks up things really fast. Is there anyone out there that could point me in the right direction on finding a good trainer in my area?? I’m from mount pleasant, Mi.
I have a gentle american Staffordshire Terrier. He has been wilh us since we foung him in crown point. Approximately 6 moth old. I swear he can hear everythinh we say but he cant sayanthing bach to. I must be verry frustrating. I eant to get him certified so he can go into stores with Austin.
Austin is emotionally disabled and he and I boyh feel he would beiffit for a emotional support dog. If you send and info you may have.
Emotional Support Dogs (ESA) are different than Service Dogs (SD). An ESA only provides comfort to you in your home, they do not have public access rights, but they do quality for the Fair Housing Act which allows them to live with you anywhere whether the place you live has a no dog policy or breed restriction policy or not. A Service Dog (SD) is a trained dog that can do one or more tasks that help you out with your disability. Examples of SD tasks: alerting (by pawing, nosing, licking) the person when they are having a panic attack or anxiety attack; persistently pawing at, barking at and or taking away a sharp object from a person who is doing self harm; picking up dropped objects for someone either in a wheelchair or who’s disability makes it hard for them to bend or pick things up themselves; hearing a timer go off which they are trained to respond to by bringing a person their medication. Those are just a sample few things that dogs can be taught to help their disabled owners in their day to day life that they can’t easily do themselves. An SD has full public access rights to go with a person no matter where they are going, be it a shopping mall, store or even restaurant. The only exceptions to that are privately owned places of worship, or some schools.
Sorry i mean CGC (canine good citizen test)
Hi, I suffer from depression and was wondering about an emotional support dog. Is there a form my doctor needs to fill out in order for the process to begin by getting a dog?
To get an ESA you need a mental health specialist to give you a doctors note.
I have sleep apnea and my German Shepherd wakes me when I have an attack. How would I get her certified?
Look Into your state’s laws and regulations beforehand. You can owner train but it can be a lot harder than usual. Please make sure you are consulting with your doctor and other doctors to see if the Service dog is going to be the right fit for you. I already have an ESA (Emotional Support Animal) but my medical issues have worsened to the point where a service dog is my only option.
I would love to have my puppy training, I need a service dog! Please can you call me? I have disabilities. How much is the traing cost?
My daughter has different sensory disabilities that fall under the guidelines for eligibility and receives therapy. She has a Labrador Retriever that she considers her companion and helps her considerably with her coping. He just passed the CGC test. What else do we need to do in order for the dog to be a certified service animal, not just an ESD?
At least one trained task that helps your daughter with her disabilities. You state she has sensory disabilities, think of what she is sensitive to and if a dog can be trained to help her out with them. An example would be if she shuts down, or freaks out to loud noises. The dog can be trained to ground her when they hear a loud noise, by doing DPT (Deep Pressure Therapy) which can be anywhere from putting the dogs head on her hand if she is shaking, to laying on her lap or across her body if she is laying down or sitting. For some reason that sense of weight does wonders to help. My daughter has sensitivity to loud noises and will shut down by sitting and covering her ears, she will then space out to try to get rid of the noise that bothers her, her Service Dog has been trained to lay across her and nudge her hand with her nose or paw until my daughter starts petting her or talking to her. Then she leads my daughter to me if I am not right there in a public area. My daughter has had this as well as multiple other disabilities for years and she is now 18 and lives on her own with her Service Dog. Good luck to you and your daughter!!!
I have a 9 year old Husky mix that I’ve had since he was 1. Since I got him I’ve exposed him a lot to large group settings such as town fests/fairs, farmers markets, shopping centers (that allow behaved pets) and so forth. Having him near me helps my anxiety immensely (I get horrible anxiety in crowds). He stays by my side. Does not seek attention or pay mind to others. He sits and lays patiently when I stop to talk or look at something. His only flaw is sudden loud noises spook him momentarily but his only reaction is to stand up and watch whatever made the noise. He does not bark or growl at it or show any sort of hostility.
I’ve tried training this out of him but I think it’s due to whatever happened to him before I adopted him. But I really want to do what I can to get him registered as a Service dog for my anxiety so I can go out and shop for food without getting overwhelmed and rushing through the store, or go out with friends without worrying about not being able to take him with because he’s not a service dog (which often leads to me opting not going on outings
My son is a senior in high school and wants to go to college but he refuses to go without his dog. A couple of years ago he was very depressed and has extreme anxiety, so we gained a dog, not intentially but kept him for my boyfriend after suffering a stroke and heart attack. After 6 months of hospitalization my son got very attached to the dog, and i realized how much better my son got. I had to remind him frequently that it is just temporarily so dont get attached. Well needless to say my boyfriend could no longer take care of the dog, it was a win win for my son and me. Well now i dont want him to feel like he cant go to school, because of his dog, i need to get him trained to become a service dog so he can take him with him. Any recomendations, please help me his future depends on it and housing of his own would be $1000+ or about $600 shared with roommates. We are from ill.
I had wonderful lunch with training at petsmart. Your dog goes through an 8-12 week program and then tests for a good citizenship, from there you can test for service dog, but those are the rules on Colorado. Good luck!
Hi my son works all the time an I lost my dog he was put to sleep she helps me with my freaking Of the loss of my dog so take care of her mostly well my son at work all the time I told him I as going to keep her with me he said okay she’s not used to people yet so I have been introducing hr out to the public I do keep a mussel on her so she dosent get scared and bite someone why she is in traning. She is going to be my service and support dog for my depression of the loss of my dog whom I miss deeply I told myself I wasn’t ever going to get a nother animal but my son dosent really have the time for her and she has a lot of potential she dose
So far she is doing great on her service traning it’s only been a month though but she’s start g to get used to people .stikl work in prowess though
Why do you put a muzzle on her? If she acts aggressively toward people or other animals then that disqualifies her as a Service Dog no matter how well she is trained otherwise.She also needs to have a trained task that helps you. Just being there to keep you calm is not a task. A Service Dog can have no aggression at all, including fear aggression or true want to kill something aggression. I would reassess why you feel the need to muzzle her in public, if it is because of aggression toward people then you are doing yourself, your dog and the public a disservice by bringing your dog in public. It is not fair to the people you meet or your dog for that matter if the public stresses your dog to the point of being aggressive. It is also illegal to put the public in danger. Hope this helps.
I have PTSD and bad social anxiety at school it gets really bad I want my dog to come to school with me because she makes me feel a lot better but I don’t know if she can if she’s not service dog so now I’m trying to get her to be a service dog by training her and everything but I don’t know what requirements she needs to meet to just come to school with me be there with me because she makes me feel better
Just being there to comfort you does not make your dog a Service Dog. The dog has to be trained for at least one task that helps you with your disability. Such as with your situation, the dog can be trained to alert you to and help calm you down from an anxiety, panic or PTSD attack. The dog can be trained to do what are called body blocks between you and other people for your anxiety and PTSD. A body block is basically just putting the dogs body between yourself and another person, ultimately blocking the other person from getting too close or touching you. If you don’t like people too close to you, you can train your dog to do circles around you to keep people at a distance as well. Good luck and I hope this helps you.
My dog is about 7 months old he is very close to me he listens to me but when I’m gone he does listen to other people like my husband and my son my mom but when I’m around he does not go outside for anybody else he follows me around he stays in bed till I get out of bed I have PTSD have cancer when I cry either fix me but he is you know a little bit hyper so I don’t know how to go about this do I need a hire trainer 2 help me with him so I can make him a service dog. I’m in those days I feel like I’m overwhelmed. Make my anxiety is over the roof and I was like that it don’t matter what time or whatever he’s between my legs if I’m home or buy me walking by my side sitting next to me.I’ve tried them to put them on at least one time and he like freaked out so I don’t know if I need to keep putting it on elation walking him to get him used to me and the leash I’m not sure what to do I’m lost please help.
The AKA is not required but helpful to have.. the public access test is also helpful to have done.
i have a service dog who is certified and i cannot take her into stores and hotels even when i show them her paperwork me and my family are a little confused Please help?
What is my apartment going to require for a service dog if there is no Dr. Letter required?
Your service dog is protected by the ADA. Therefore your landlord cannot deny your service dog. If you feel more confident, you can register your service dog and get an ID along with a vest to identify your dog as a working dog. You may find this article on landlords and registrations interesting
I have a dog who will be two next month, he has gone through basic obedience training and is my ESA, I have a note from my therapist who also feels like he should begin service training. I have severe anxiety and PTSD, my dog is very good at recognizing when I am about to have an attack or episode and as soon as he hears specific noises or senses that I am becoming uneasy he will try to break the cycle … he will also lay on top of me to apply deep pressure therapy (all of this with no training to do so, he is just a compassionate boy) I am a student and don’t have the funds to pay for expensive training. How can I find a trainer to help me?
If you cannot afford a trainer and have a good relationship with your dog you may consider training it yourself. A service dog does not need official training. All it needs to know is how to support you in your time of need. As you mentioned your dog is already very alert to your situation, therefore you probably could train it yourself. Here’s an article on training service dogs that you might find interesting
My dog she has separation anxiety she has to be around me all the time to keep her calmed she has a bad heart she’s old she 8 years old my question is can i make her a service dog so she can be with me every where i go n if so what do i have to do
In order to qualify as a service dog, the dog must be trained to perform tasks related to the handler’s disability. You can not qualify a dog as a service dog solely to have it by your side at all times. You could check if you qualify for an emotional support animal, but it will not give you full access rights to all public places. You may find this article on how to qualify for an emotional support animal helpful
Nice way of answering her question, Peter. I wish people would reread the article. They are asking the same questions it answers.
It gets frustrating and sometimes even funny reading the comments. Seeing how many times they will ask the exact question.
It’s as if they haven’t read the last 10x you answered the question.
Well keep those answers coming.
Thanks, Scarlett. I guess sometimes people are too anxious to get their questions answered that they don’t read. A little lift in the right direction might make a big difference. Or maybe not… I don’t know how successful these answers are, but at least it feels like time well spent.
Thanks for joining in! Take care and stay safe. 🙂
I have a service dog, she’s around 1 year old now, she’s a Kelpie x Border collie (aka wants the play always) but she knows that once her vest is on, it’s time to work, she does do her tasks at home without the vest but at home she’s being a DOG.
Service dogs are considered medical equipment by law they have access everywhere other then private owned property that’s not open to the public, service dogs are LEAGLLY allowed anywhere the public can go, from shops to no pet housing, if the owner of the establishment (Walmart, Restaurants, Gas stations etc) harasses you or makes you leave it is a misdemeanour could get a fine for $10,000 and possibly one-year term of imprisonment as well as the fine.
Saying this is does seem convenient to have a id card or verification explaining this, but not every handler will carry them and you legally don’t have to have them, but when handlers DO have them and show them it makes it seem like you legally have them or for this store etc that will make access issues for handlers who don’t have them all the more harder.
I have anxiety, once in a while I have anxiety attacks and I am in recovery from an eating disorder which even though I put on a brave face gives me anxiety in restaurants more than my normal anxiety.Which would be better an ESA or a service dog. Would I be able to qualify for a service dog?
I forgot to mention that I have mild OCD
If you experience most of your attacks in public places, you might need a service dog, as, by law, ESAs do not have access to public establishments. Some restaurants and shops are ESA friendly, but by far not enough. On the other hand, a service dog can accompany you anywhere but must go through extensive training and be under your control 24/7. You may find this article on the difference between psychiatric service dogs and emotional support animals interesting:
Hi, I am young, and looking to train my dog to be a service dog for PTSD, I have anxiety disorder, ocd, trauma, and take medication… I am terrified of being touched by ppl, even though I am asking for a ptsd service dog, I was never in the military, and I understand that ppl who have had a traumatic event happen in their lives, can qualify for a ptsd service dog, I’d like to train my dog myself, but currently have no idea of how to go by it, I understand the can help with hug on cue, grabbing heavy blankets and pillows, looking around the house when we feel hypervigilant, and blocking/ making ways through crowds, and I just have no idea how to train my dog to do that kind of stuff. I don’t have good money for a trainer, and am currently too afraid to confront new ppl.
PTSD can come in many forms and does not need to be military-related, so do not worry about asking for what type of help you would need from your service dog. You may look online for video tutorials or books on how to train your dog. Depending on your relationship with your dog and how willing your dog is to serve your needs, training yourself will involve more or less time and patience. You may find this guide with some basic service dog training interesting.
When you need assistance in training your dog or puppy to be obident, we are the experts that you need. We also provide service dog programs as well!
Hi do u take the dog and train or will I have to be available as well
Hi, I want to get my dog certified as a service dog. What do I need to do first. Do I just buy the kit where they sale the I’d cards, the vest and certicate or do I also need to do it threw my Doctor. Please help, I like to take my dog every where I go, I am a lonely person who needs to be always with my dog.
If your dog performs a specific task to benefit a disorder, you may be eligible for a service dog. But to legitimately own a service dog, your dog would need to remain at your side at all times and perform the specific tasks that help you in times of need.
If your dog mainly offers comfort, you could ask your doctor for an ESA letter. This letter would allow you to bring your dog along on travels. You may find this article interesting on the differences between service dogs and emotional support dogs –
I want to train my dog to become a service dog but when I take her to public places for training, do I go shards and buy the best and ID card?
Ahead* vest*
A service dog in training is technically not a service dog, yet. Only once your dog can perform the task needed, it can officially be called a service dog. Therefore, it might be too early to order an ID. You can order a vest with a patch saying “Service Dog in Training”. That can help prevent other people from approaching and disturbing your training session. You may find this article on service dog requirements and training interesting . Crossing my fingers for your dog to become a service dog quickly.
What kind of test does the dog have to pass
I would like to know the answer to this lady’s question
There is a huge difference between service dogs and emotional support dogs. Having a dog with you because you are lonely only qualifies as an Emotional Support Animal or ESA. Service dogs go through several years of training and you must have a noted disability from your doctor stating that a service dog will help you with your disability. No disability means No service dog. Contrary to what this article has said, service dogs have around 3 thousand hours of training, not 120 hours. 30 hours of public access training is only the first week with years to follow. You should check into getting an ESA letter from a qualified & licensed therapist but this does not allow you to bring your dog into restaurants, grocery stores or any other non-pet friendly establishments. An ESA letter is good for airline travel and housing situations only.
Hope this helps.
It is illegal to certify a dog as a service dog
No, it is not illegal. Registrations are not required by law, however many service dog owners feel they run into fewer problems when out in the public when their service dog is registered and has the ID to prove it. You may find this article on how to register your service dog interesting
If you don’t have a disability of any kind you do not need a service dog service dogs are medical equipment and if you bring your untrained house pet to public places that puts REAL service dogs at risk for your house pet to attack them it’s wrong and this kit is fake anyways
Go to this great site. It answers all your questions.
Thank you for this information! Im getting two puppies and I would like to have 1 be serviced trained and 1 therapy trained for my children with Autisim and ADHD.
Thank you for assisting SO many GOOD QUALITY FOLKS
I was looking into my male chocolate lab dog being bred for potential service dogs. He has a definite need to work. We got him for duck hunting , which he is excellent at, but this is only seasonal. Otherwise he is just a big ol indoor pet. It is his nature and desire to work that interests me in seeing him help bring puppies into a world to help people. I am not wanting anything in exchange for breeding him. I don’t know if there is a need for studs, but if anyone knows of such please let me know.
Hello, I am Bi-polar and have Fibromyalgia and also a rare disease called Achalasia. I cannot be around stress as it affects my eating. I suffer panick attacks and going through this Covid 19 caused me a lot of stress and depression and slight agoraphobia now. I have a Pomchi (Pomeranian x Chihuahua
aged 2 and a half . I feel I can not go out anywhere without him. I live in the U.K . Would my dog be able to be a service dog or assistance dog?
The information on this site is based on US law and regulations. For the U.K. You may try to search for U.K. specific resources that can help you get the answers you need. Take care and stay strong thru these difficult times.
Hi my name Andrea my friend name is wido A Chihuahua I save him from a terrible family that had two pits two big chihuahuas and two cats poor wido don’t get anything to eat a neighbor boy would throw him and kick him when I saved him was all bone it took me six hours for him to come to me but he was stil scared of me know his by my side all day he sleeps with me I have been going through a lot for the past year or so it like he know something wrong because he moves my hand and climbs on my chest when I cry he Licks my tears I need your help getting Wido my emotional care dog I don’t want to lose him it makes me feel real sad but his there Nikki my my tears away
Wido sounds like a lovely partner. In order to get make Wido an emotional support animal (ESA), you would need an ESA Letter, issued by a licensed healthcare professional. This letter can be written by your therapist (if you have one) or through a legitimate online provider where you will be connected with a therapist licensed in your state. They will assess your need for an ESA thru telemedicine sessions.
You may find this article on how to get an ESA letter interesting
Wish you both best of luck!
So I was told that my dog has to be trained by a professional for him to be my service dog. I have PTSD, Depression and anxiety. Hes does all the required tasks I need but he is fearful of a few things. I’m still working with him. And I have everything I need. Do I still have to have him professionally trained or can I still have him as my service dog.
You can train your service dog by yourself. In fact, training your service dog may actually deepen the bond between the two of you. However, if you’re having trouble training your dog in certain areas, do seek professional help or guidance to make sure your dog can perform at his best in all public situations. Remember you will be taking him into areas where other dogs are not allowed or settings of high stress. You will want to be sure your dog can stay under control and focus on your needs. You may find this article on if you can train your own service dog interesting:
I have Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, & Asthma. Can I quality for a service animal?
Your mentioned disabilities can qualify to get a service dog. You will however need to know how your dog can be of assistance. To have a legitimate service dog your dog needs to be trained to perform a specific task directly helping you with your disability – any task which you could not perform yourself in times of need.
If your dog is mainly providing support and comfort, or you cannot train your dog to perform tasks, then you may consider applying for an emotional support animal letter.
You may find this article with information on how to qualify for a service dog or an emotional support animal interesting
For the best dog training facility in Albany Call All Dawgs Training. All Dawgs offers obiedence, agility training, and Dog Boarding.
Concerned about a man in NW OKC – man repeatedly lets/encourages his dog wearing a service dog harness to chase cats while out for his walk. Repeated attempts to stop have led to verbal swear word reply from this man with his dog wearing a service dog harness.
I have a picture of the man/dog and vicinity of occurrence
I’d get a fog horn and give it a little blast every time you see him getting ready to let the dog chase
Possibly the man may have a disability that the service dog is providing you may not be able to tell.
You too may read
It will answer your questions. Maybe you could go to the man and ask if he might need assistance.
Smile and be kind to one another.
Quick question, going through a heated divorce. The dog is registered under my name, I have taken him to all his veterinarian appointments, and the microchip and rabies are also under my name. My husband has falsified that she is a service dog because he wants to keep her. She performs no service for him and he has no disability but he does have a paper that says he is his service dog. Please advise.
Hello my name is Tim Price I have multiple sclerosis and PS TD on all the damn word but I have a dog I can’t 14 Ford and put him through training he’s just a pub a year and a half old I can forward to feed me and him dearly and pay rent when I need him he goes everywhere I go but they won’t let him in a lot of places and so I just can’t go there please help your friend
Falsified your dog as a “Emotional Support Animal” or a true and trained Service animal.. this is a big difference. “emotional support animal docs can be paid for online without any training needed. The dog does not provide anything but comfort.. an actual Service animal has papers and license.. very different and I’m sure seen differently in a court of law.
I have trained my dog myself. He has flown thousand of miles with me. He is exemplary in the airport, grocery stores and restaurants. As I have lost my hearing And he has learned to alert me to knocks at the door, the refrigerator alarm going off a and more on his own. . I have paperwork each time I fly that he is an emotional support dog. Due to anxiety. The fact he helps me navigate noises is huge. When I take out my hearing aids I am profoundly deaf. Can. You guide me to making him a full service dog?
As of Dec. 2020 all emotional support animals are band from flying on all US airlines.
Not quite true, this statement. From January 11, 2021, airlines are no longer required to accept ESAs and would handle your ESA as a normal pet. However, it’s also up to the airline to make their own guidelines. So, fingers crossed, some airlines might still recognize the importance of ESAs. But we’ll just have to wait and see in January. Anyway, I found an interesting post about the new DOT rules on this page
I just was notified that as of January 11 2021 ESA won’t be able to fly. I have trained my English Bull dog and she is so well behaved. So far Alaska and Delta will not accept them. I think it’s unfair because some people don’t follow procedures so we all lose out. The worst for me is the breed of dog I have they won’t let fly in cargo. Very. Frustrating
Is there a book or anything to teach me how to train the dog. My dog had to be registered to stay in my apartment but I want to take her everywhere. I can’t with a ESA dog. However she knows my seizures. I have had her 10 years and she has been around since they started, since y brain surgery and knows them. What is the process for in stating her training myself or with anyone else to move forward from ESA to service dog?
Please reread the article you are commenting on before you give advice. ESAs need a letter by the person’s therapist. Service dogs look and act as a service dog, don’t have any paperwork to show, but must perform a service and wear the proper ensign that show they are working. There are other thinvs, but honestly reread the article, it answers all the questions.
What are people who are allergic to animals supposed to do? With there being no law for services dog’s to have I’d this puts people with allergies at risk especially since more and more People bring their dogs with them it’s getting out of hand.
Unless he can prove the disability and letter are legitimate and not from some fake online “certification” then he has no legal right
Did u read the article above? It clearly states that you do NOT have to prove that your dog is a service dog. So, the dog has the right to go ANYWHERE. If you don’t like it, too bad suck it up and move on!!!
There are multiple medications that you may be able to take to prevent any type of allergies.
People can not just leave their pets because you happen to have an allergy and not willing to.take an allergy pill prior to your flight.
If you have an allergy take a pill and be courteous to those who have the right to shave a pet as companion.
Service dogs /cats/etc are exactly there to serve those with a situation in which their life or emotional support depends on them.
So, once more kindly take your allergy pills before your flight and have a sit away/ as far as possible from theae animals who give their lives for their human master and enjoy your flight and let the pets work while you enjoy the flight.
I have a lovely rough Collie, I have several disabilities, I need to have him trained as a service dog does you ha a Bo’ness no so I can see if ndis cover it for me
Let comment is in response to Cat’s post!!!!
You have allergies and I gave PTSD from my time in the service of the American people, being shot and stabbed. I can not leave my home alone without a panic attack. Then I received Tika my service dog. So under your statement my 6 years service is a life sentence because you don’t want to sneeze and itch. Breaks my heart that I lost many friends for people that will not bend so we can all enjoy the freedom I fought for.
Amen Rick… I appreciate what you did and your right to have your friend. I have severe complex PTSD but from other circumstances and was told by a new thereapist my dog could not come to therapy with me… because a few of her clients have allergies… it is incredibly selfish to do so… I am trying to get my girl trained to be a service dog and it is nearly impossible… But for goodness sake if the allergies are not life threatening take a pill. I need my dog.
An “emotional support animal” and a trained service animal are to very different things. “The getting out of hand “ are ppl claiming that their dog is with them for “emotional support “ but that animal is not trained. True service animals go through classes and hours and testing and are certified. Understand the difference.
You’re right that people often try to pass ESAs off as service animals, and that’s very harmful. However, service dogs DO NOT require certification or any testing. In fact, most people who try to provide certification for their “service dog” actually just bought that identification online and are just trying to take their pets places. Service dogs may not have even attended any classes as people are able to train their own service dogs.
Service dogs just need to be task trained to assist a disabled person with their disability and behave in public.
Stay away
Take a Benadryl!
Get over it and take a Benadryl
People that NEED a service dog are entitled BY LAW to a service dog in ANY and ALL establishments. If you have allergies, you can bring benadryl with you in public for when you come across a service dog or you always have the option to leave whatever establishment has the dog there. Your allergy is unlikely to be life-threatening, whereas some people cannot maneuver safely without a service dog. It is really that simple…you can take diphenhydramine and be just fine, or use your 2 fictional legs to leave. Someone with physically disabilities cannot, they need the service dog.
So, suck it up buttercup!
The ADA actually specifically addresses that allergies are not a valid reason to deny service dogs access anywhere. Service dogs are medical equipment, not pets. Their owners require them to be wherever they are to perform a necessary service.
Your allergy is not more valid then their disability.
When it comes to service dogs the ADA laws take precedents over people with allergies. If someone with a legitimate service dog is in your presence you cannot ask or demand that the dog leave. If you try to force the service dog to leave then you are running the risk of the owner filing a complaint with the ADA. These laws are to protect the rights of people with disabilities. These are federal laws. If the ADA finds that you violated the rights of a person with a service dog the penalties are harsh.
Hello, quick question. My puppy is only two months old. We got him because of my panic attacks and depression and I am tired of medication… we are slowly training him at a young age and I was wondering if I can register him now? If so, will I be able to updated his picture as you grows?
Thank you in advance
A service dog in training is technically not a service dog yet. Only once your dog can perform the task needed it can officially be called a service dog. In addition, you do not need to certify a service dog. A dog becomes a service dog once it has been fully trained to assist you. Some service dog owners, however, procure accessories like IDs, certificates, badges, and vests to signal to members of the public that their dog is on duty.
For now, you can order a vest with a patch saying “Service Dog in Training.” That can help prevent other people from approaching and disturbing your training session.
You may find this article on service dog registration requirements interesting
Best of luck with your puppy! I’m sure he’ll grow to become a great service dog.
I am 14 and have anxiety, depression, and ptsd. Can I get a service dog?
Hi Natalie. I have a 15-year-old son with anxiety and depression and I’m online now looking into a service dog for him. Have you spoken to your parents about it? Maybe that’s the first step?? I wish you all the best!
I have trigeminal neurology type 2 diabetes
My face looks like I had a stroke from the nerve damage
Very depressed
I know a mini bernedoodle tricolor dog would help me
My complex doesn’t allow pets so I need papers for service dog
I am female 65
L I’ve with a male who is also 66
hello my name is cabby. I’m 13 years of age. I was wondering if a Chiweenie can be a ESA. I have depression, anxiety, adhd, ocd, anxiety, and a panic attacks.
Yes, It sure can Cabby. Mine is a weiner dog. I find them easier to fly with and they have the best snuggle skills. I certify people for ESA. Let me know if I can help.
Tim Jenkins,LCPC
Anyone over the age of 12, unless with autism, can have a service dog. I’m 15 and I’m in the process of training my doggo, hopes this helped :))
Hi Kayla do you think you could give me some resources on training puppies/dogs to become service dogs i am currently researching this and starting training tomorrow if you dont have any links could leave some things to teach him or any tips? thank you! ( i am 14)
I have schizophrenia,anxiety,OCD,ADHD could I get a service dog?
Yes my husband has PTSD. He walk across the street with out looking almost got ran over 2.Does he qualifie?
How do you know a dog is actually a service dog if they are not given any paperwork? Licenses etc?
I am a child therapist and i have been children on the autism spectrum adjusting to parent divorce and or abuse/trauma. I am curious about service dogs for children with autism. I am looking for referrals for trainers.
Lauren Self MA LPC
I have a German Shepherd Female, she has been training for helping me I’m deaf in one ear have 50% in the other so I don’t hear doorbell or knocking. Nor the phone, no high frequency, she has alert me on 2 different time of someone trying to break-in. I have taught her bad much as I can find on line about it, about what I have been told to get here use to train her for. But wasn’t sure if there was more she needs to do an how to get her register for a service dog. Thank you, Pamela Lamb
I have a puppy i would like to see about having trained to be my sons service dog he has seizures but i cant afford alot do you know anywhere that would help us we live in ocala florida
In the State of Florida are we allowed to have a Rottweiler for a ESA dog. Because my landlord is telling me that i can’t have that breed because it’s to big in the State of Florida. Is this true? I suffer from anxiety and depression. And i really want that breed because i would feel a sense of protection at night when i can’t sleep. Plus i love rottweiler…
I live in a apartment in Florida. Is my landlord allowed to tell me that i can’t have a Rottweiler for a ESA dog. Because it’s to big of a breed in the state of Florida. I’ve been trying to find if this is true.
Hello, I noted you said that businesses can’t require documentation, but what about airlines? How do I go about getting my dog certified as a service animal? Not an ESA?
You may find this guide on flying with your service dog interesting
I have ptsd major depression bipolar 1 and 2 also anxiety how can I train my dog to calm me down and stop me from going in flash backs and harming my self
Hi, I have depression and autism, would I be able to train my own assistance dog, or better to work on owning a dog that can help me with my specific disabilities.
Yes, you can train a dog yourself or get a professional trainer, depending on your time and skills to get your dog to perform the task needed. You may find this article on how to get a service dog interesting .
Though, it also sounds like an emotional support animal may be right for you if a service dog is not appropriate. You may find this article on how to qualify for an emotional support animal interesting .
I have fybromyalgia is this condition covered for a service dog?
Fybromyalgia can qualify you for a service dog. If you need assistance, such as help balance while walking or fetching an item when you have trouble moving, a service dog can indeed be trained to help. You may find this article on Mobility Service Dogs interesting
I also am in the spectrum, diagnosed w PTSD Bipolar, ADHD, Multiple Sclerosis & Fibromyalgia. I cannot convey the words to describe how much I think a service dog would help me!!!! Are there certain agencies that will walk me through this?
Have you had any luck on finding information and if you do would you please share it with me? I have Multiple Sclerosis and severe panic attacks. Ty for sharing.
How can my niece get a service dog for her child. They are very expensive. Shes a single mother.
How do you know a dog is actually a service dog if they are not given any paperwork? Licenses etc?
To verify any service dog, you are allowed to ask the handler 2 questions only: 1. Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?
2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform? Based on the answers you will know that the service dog is legitimate. You may find this article on how to verify a service dog interesting:
I have syncope fainting, anxiety, and some depression. Do I qualify to have a service dog? If so I live in Indiana and own a husky who is about 1 year(s) old, would it be possible to train him myself and where would I have to go to legally register him to become a service dog? This is something that would make me much comfortable.
Talk to your doctor or therapist if the severity of your disorders and disabilities qualify you to get a service dog. And if so, try to identify what tasks your service dog could fulfill for you. If you have persistence and time, you can train your dog yourself. Or you can get a professional dog trainer. Keep in mind that training takes time, and professional help is probably a good idea if you do not have dog training experience. Registrations, in general, are not required by law. The completion of the training is what makes a service dog legitimate. Some owners, however, use items like ID cards and vests to help signal to members of the public that their dog is on duty. You may find this article on how to get a service dog interesting
Hi im 19 turning 20 i have anxiety
Ptsd and sometimes depression
I am also almost legally blind in my left eye and will eventually go completely blind in my left eye
And I have asthma,and other problems, I have had really bad anxiety attacks to the point where I throw up and cry and can’t breathe and end up having a asthma attack ,am I eligible for a service dog?
Talk to your doctor or therapist if the severity of your disorders and disabilities qualify you to get a service dog. And if so, try to identify what tasks your service dog could fulfill for you. If you already have a dog you can start training it yourself right away. If training a dog isn’t your thing, you can look for a trainer or adopt a dog that was already trained to be a service dog. You may find this article on how to get a service dog interesting
hey my name is averie i am 16 years old. i have anxiety but have not yet been diagnosed. i also have episodes where i randomly faint. doctors looked into it and havent found anything wrong? am i still able to qualify for a service dog>
In order to have a service dog for anxiety, you must be diagnosed and it must be severe. A dog can alert you before you faint, but it would be best to be diagnosed and consult your doctor to see if a service dog is right for you. For me, I have severe anxiety, depression, OCD and PTSD as well as syncope episodes. I have a medical psychiatric service dog. This seems to be best for you.
i’m 17 and completely blind in my right eye with extremely bad depth perseption which cause me to bump into everything.Would i qualify for a service dog?
My dog is still young only a year old. I need help to find a trainer so she can help me. I’m I’ll with lupus and I need aid.
Hi I’m Amanda I’m 16 I have severe panic attacks and have depression and OCD my dog can sense when I have panic attacks and tries to prevent them also helps with my OCD would she qualify as a service animal.
I have epilepsy and just now considering getting a service dog. Our 6 month weimaraner has already cought on to my behavior prior to my seizures. Is it best to start with a puppy, certify her at this age or wait till she is older? I was just diagnosed with epilepsy a year ago but have been struggling with seizures for 2 years. Any thoughts or advise?
Your dog sounds like a natural-born service dog! Ideally, you could wait with the training until the dog is out of puppy age, to make sure her temperament and ability to learn is up to the standards needed for a service dog. You may also consult a professional service dog trainer to help figure out if your dog is ready. Other than that, there’s no age limit really. If your dog is willing to do the job and can behave as needed in public settings then you have yourself the perfect service dog. You may find this article on service dog training interesting: Good luck to you and your Weimaraner!
hi i have diabetic im a older lady would a service dog be good for me
I have a German shepherd he is 7 month. I would like to see if i can make him service dog for me. And i went to do it my self. I like all the information i can get . I live in Dayton ohio.
I am very hard of hearing!!! When I sleep my Yorkie will wake me if she hears anything. How can I have her certified?
If your Yorkie is fully trained then you’re all set. You may find this article on how to certify a service dog interesting –
I have 100 percent ptsd from the army and vietnam. I intend to self train my dog. When I finish is there a specific test or location to take her to in Puerto Rico to certify or honor system
How much does it cost and how long is training
That depends on which path you choose to have your service dog trained, since you may get your service dog trained by a professional or you may do the training yourself. You may find this article on how much it costs to train a service dog interesting:
Where do I find a trainer? I have a 11week old malitpoo.
I have a 4 year old son that is blind and I’m wanting to see about getting him a seeing eye dog how do I go about doing it
I have grand mal seizure do you think if I got a puppy and trained it to be a service dog it would work? Also do you think I could get a service dog well puppy to train to be a service dog.
Yes, if you can find a puppy that displays the right temperament, or even purchase one from a trainer, you should definitely be in for success. Just be aware that until the training is complete, the dog does not qualify as a service dog yet. Depending on its maturity it may take some time to become a true service dog. You may find this article service dog certification guide interesting:
Can u get a service dog for chronic pain
If you’re in need of assistance with tasks that a dog can fulfill, then you may very well qualify for a service dog. You might need to have a conversation with your therapist to find out how a dog could assist you best. You may find this article on the different disabilities that may qualify for a service dog interesting –
I am a wheelchair and would like a Small service dog for depression.
I am prior military. I want my dog to become a service dog to help me with my PTSD. I don’t know where to start. Please HELP me.
Thank you for your service! You may find this article on the steps for veterans to get a service dog interesting:
I have a teacup chihuahua I have axially disorder
How much I have to pay for trening
The training cost depends on how you choose to train your service dog; you may send your dog to a professional trainer, which may be costly, or train yourself, which may “cost” you in time and patience. You may find this article on the cost of a service dog interesting”
Is this service dog certificate good in Canada
can i register a service dog without me having a disability.
No, you cannot. To qualify for a service dog you need to have an impairment (emotional or mental disability) and a need for the service dog to fulfill some tasks that you yourself cannot do in times of need. You’ll have to train your dog to complete these tasks. Once your dog masters these tasks and is trained for public access you may register your service dog. You may find this article on the service and tasks of service dogs interesting:
I have ataxia very bad!!!
Does it cost anything to have a dog registerd
Depending on your needs and options the cost would vary. You may find this article on how to get your service dog registered interesting:
What I need to no is what can I do for my son he has I mental disability and he has a dog and hes got a girlfriend he is fixing to marry that moved into a place that says no pets the dog would die and my son would go down hill they need one another can you help I hope thank you
Unless your son needs the dog’s assistance at all times, you may look into making the dog an emotional support animal. A valid ESA can stay in housing that has a no-pets policy. Your son would need to connect with a therapist (in person or online) and get an assessment if he qualifies for an ESA. If approved, the therapist will issue an ESA letter that can be submitted to his girlfriend’s landlord. You may find this article on how to qualify for an emotional support animal interesting
I have seizures my little dog can tell beforehand
Need for emotional suport
Meet up with your psychiatrist and they’ll write you a ESA letter
Do you know of any trainers in the San Jose,Ca area?? What do the usually charge. I have a 1yr old Maltipoo that I would like trained. I suffer from anxiety, n panic attacks. I would appreciate all the help you can give me. I am a 78 yr old lady. Thank you in advance
I have order service dog vest and ID card. I have trained my dog Rocky to respond to me by my sign language and he responded very well. I had no problems with him at all. I am hearing impaired myself and he is my hearing dog for me. Also he has sense that my friend who has seizures, that it was going to happen to her, it did happen that she had seizure and he was right there with her. He is a chihuahua terrier mix and I am so proud of him. She was deaf.
I have seizures and would like to train my puppies. Can you give me more information how to do that
Your only right is stated above. You may ask those two questions and nothing more or face ADA consequences which can be quite expensive. If a dog is unruly you may ask them to leave the premises and/or call the authorities.
This is set up to be abused and is. I know many people who do nothing to train and order the vest and ID as there is really no need to train or do anything or proof any real need.. Makes it so they can take there dog wherever they want. Ridiculous to the extreme.
What happen when someone brings a pit bull into a public place and a small child gets attacked/ ate up or two persons bring in dogs and the dogs get into a fight, causing someone to get bitten? What if the dogs have worms or parvo and their owners sits them in a food buggy where people puts their food? The dogs should have to wear an service dog tag , just lime an rabbies tag. I understand that lots of people really need them and should be allowed to use them but a lot of people bring in big mean dogs and state they are service dogs when in reality they ate not. My question is what is my right as an store employee to be protected from someone lying bringing in big strong dogs that could eat me alive or harm a small child or adult?
Your only right is stated above. You may ask those two questions and nothing more or face ADA consequences which can be quite expensive. If a dog is unruly you may ask them to leave the premises and/or call the authorities.
I’m getting a puppy I was wondering what kind of dog has to be certified a friend of mine is getting me a Yorkie.Do ui need bigger dog?? Puppies going to be born May 22,2021. I have Severe PSD syndrome classroom size rightists stage three kidney disease and cancer And believe my Rains been affected eye doctors will not do a brain scan on me for two years I’m in a mission right now they say it’s all part of cancer I believe it’s not
Any sized dog can be a service dog, if it has the size and strength appropriate to fulfill the tasks needed. So it really depends on your needs and environment. You may find this article on small service dogs interesting Wishing you all the best with your new puppy!
So my wife does have PTSD from 9/11 we are thinking in future go to Europe for holiday. If I get our dog certification does that help with Flights to Europe?
You may need to check with the airlines you’re planning to fly with. While service dogs are generally accepted to fly with their handlers in the cabin of the aircraft, there may be documents you need to submit or additional rules and regulations to follow. But they can be different for each airline and also be different for each destination country. You may find this article on how to fly with a service dog interesting: Wish you a happy holiday in Europe!
I have a 2-month-old puppy who I will need to train as a service dog as I have a seizure disorder. Where do I go once I feel the dog is ready for her certificate?
Once your dog is fully trained and ready to perform the tasks you need, you “certify” the service dog yourself. Official certification is not required by law, but some service dog owners find it comforting and easier to confront other people when they can display a service dog certificate or ID. You may find this article on certifying a service dog interesting: Good luck with your puppy!
Can you have a service dog for anxiety and depression?
You may qualify for a psychiatric service dog. Ask your doctor or therapist if a service dog could assist you with any tasks you cannot perform yourself due to your anxiety or depression. You may find this article on service dogs for anxiety and depression interesting –
I trained a guide dog for my close family-friend, and I didn’t certify it, as I didn’t feel the need to. Some places, such as out of the country, require it, but my family-friend never really flies, so that didn’t matter much. But if you do, I’d certify the dog, then get dog tags showing she is a service dog- I found that certificates and things got hard to carry after a while.
Do you have to be certified as disabled to train your dog to perform a task and he considered a service dog? My walking and balance is not good and I am training my dog to pick up items I drop so I don’t have to bend over to pick them up. Most of the time I am in public I am in my scooter. I work ful time and am not on any type of disability.
In order to have a service dog, you must have a physical or psychiatric disability.
I have a service dog from someone that could not keep him is my husbands service dog my emoncial support my husband stage 6 Dementia how can I get him registered to me or husband
If the service dog is fully trained and can assist your husband, it should be registered as his service dog. A service dog has to be on duty and has full access rights to public places; therefore, it can accompany him anywhere and perform tasks whenever needed. Emotional support animals, on the other hand, can only stay in housing and some select establishments. You may find this article on the difference between service dogs and emotional support animals interesting –
Hi . I live in Tampa Fl my son he is special need we just bought a puppy I wild like to find more information in Tampa to make my son dog a service dog 🐕🦺
Florida is quite welcoming of service dogs. Since you already have a puppy, your next step would be to define what tasks it can perform to assist your son and start with the training. You may find this article on how to register a service dog in Florida interesting –
I have a patient with a dog who has been “partially trained”. Is there a scholarship program to help complete the training for specialized medical detection? thanks.
Unfortunately we’re not aware of any program of that type.
I am hearing impaired would need something that come to me when door bell ring phone as well also fire alarm would I be consider disability?
Hearing impairments can indeed be a disability that qualifies for a service dog. The Americans with Disabilities Act defines any disability limiting one or more life activities as a qualifying disability. You may find this article on disabilities that qualify for a service dog interesting –
My father has a 2yr old Labrador tht needs to be trained for various disabilities. He is a Veteran and is unable to train the animal himself but can not afford a trainer. Where can I find help with getting his animal properly trained.
Hi! There are some great programs out there to help vets get service dogs trained. The VA should have some resources, but here’s a link to a pretty good program as well
I will be adopting a standard poodle puppy which i would like to train as a service dog. I dont have money to pay for a trainer. I have stage 4 breast cancer and diabetes.
I am always stressed and have severe trouble sleeping. I need to be able to hug and have the poodle comfort and console me by being at my side all the time. I would also like her to be trained to bring my meter and needle if necessary and also something sweet if needed. I am alone at home most of the time and see my husband 2 hours a day because he works. I will be getting the puppy on Aug 7 and would like to have everything in place when rrequired. I would also like to know the steps to go through to complete this.
thank you so much for your time.
Gisela Cudney
Start by identifying what tasks your service dog could fulfill for you and gather information on how to best train a dog to perform those tasks. Once you bring your puppy home start the training right away. Obviously, it may take some time for your puppy to pick up on the tasks, especially if the poodle is still in a very playful phase. But with patience and perseverance and lots of love, the dog should eventually get it. You may find this article on how to get a service dog interesting Wish you lots of happy moments with your new puppy!
Can my dog be trained to be my service dog
That really depends on your needs and if your dog has the skill level and physical attributes to be your service dog. If you’re unsure about what tasks your dog might do for you as a service dog, talk to your doctor.
Hi, I have disabling anxiety and other physical health impairments that ruin my life and I know that a service dog would help me be more independent. I have the training background to owner train, I know how to get a puppy, but legally do I need a doctors note? Do I need a doctors approval or can I just get a puppy and start?
You do not need a doctor’s note for a service dog.
I would like to train my dog to become a service dog. How do I go about doing that?
I live in Colorado I’m going to need to train my own service dog again. What am I legal rights for having a service dog in training with housing in Colorado?
A service dog is not fully qualified until it has been fully trained. That means unfortunately that a service dog in training is not yet considered a full fledged service dog.
What right does a business have if they believe the dog is not a service dog?
As a business you can verify a service dog by asking whether the dog is a service dog required because of a disability and what work or task the dog has been trained to perform. You also do not have to allow a service dog on the premises if it is being unruly or misbehaving.
Can service dogs that are on training fly or does it have to be fully trained?
A dog in training unfortunately does not qualify as a service dog. The training must be completed in order to have the public access rights to go anywhere – including flights. You’ll have to attest to the completed training in DOT forms you need to fill after you book a flight.
I have a dog that I need to Register as a service dog for a flight. She is well tried but not officially a service dog. Do I need the letter, registration/ ID Card AND photo ID? Is the letter really necessary if you have the registration/ ID card? If it helps I’m going to Spain! Thanks in advance!
You do not need to register a service dog or have an ID card, they are optional. Please see this article on flying with a service dog:
What is the difference between a service dog vs an emotional service dog and what are the requirements to travel from a US Territory to the United States?
A service dog must be individually trained to perform a task relating to a disability whereas an emotional support animal does not require specialized training. Owners also have different legal rights when it comes to levels of access. In addition, an ESA requires a letter from a licensed healthcare professional. There are just some of the differences between service dogs and ESAs. For more information on travelling with a service dog, please see this link:
I am in Dom. republic with my service dog and I am having extreme problems getting back home to Texas. My service dog assists me while walking after having suffered from a serious spinal injury 20 months ago. Due to a rabies scare, CDC IS making it tough as nails to get home. We are planning to fly from Dom Republic to Cancun ,Mx and waiting 6 months to goback to Houston , 6 months is quarantine time for rabies. We need help
Sorry to hear about your troubles. We’re not familiar with the rabies/CDC issues you’re having, but if you’re flying to the U.S. the DOT’s Service Animal Form would be relevant. We recently wrote an article about that which you may find helpful:
I have mine for emotional issue been having alot of surgery’s and have cancer and he has been her the whole time next to me keeping me going
I would like to have my puppy trained as an emotional support companion/service companion 🙂 and be certified!
We do not offer training services or training referrals, but we would be happy to provide an optional certificate after your dog has completed its training. Best of luck!
The airlines is asking me WHO trained my service dog. I have a psychiatric disability. I have all the documentation from my doctors. He is registered with US service dog. And now they’re asking me for records of who trained him. I don’t really understand what this means I guess my friend who owns a company both in dog training and breeding is the person who trained him for me along with myself. So I don’t know how to answer them.
You are allowed to list yourself as the trainer. Please see this guide on completing the DOT Form for more details:
I’m looking to train my husky puppy as a service dog or emotional support dog I have seizures anxiety and depression an postpartum depression really bad
To be clear, if your dog is an emotional support dog it does not need any specialized training. A service dog however would need to be trained to perform tasks relating to your disability. Please see this article on more information about psychiatric service dogs:
Hello, I am deaf/hard of hearing and I just rescued a special needs dog (he was born with deformity of his legs but otherwise can function as a normal dog). He recently just showed me that he could be my “ears” when I don’t have my hearing aide in. He literally guided me to the front door (I didn’t have my hearing aide in) and when I opened the door there was a lady at the door…I was floored on how he did that without continuously barking (he barked once to get my attention). I would like to get him certified in becoming my hearing dog. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
We’re happy to hear your dog has been able to assist you. You do not need to get any type of certification to qualify for a service animal. Your dog must be trained to perform a task or job relating to your condition which has to qualify as a disability. Once your dog is qualified as a service animal, we would be happy to help you with accessories like certificates and ID cards.
We have two service dogs. We have had them for several years. My husband was injured in Iraq and has a traumatic brain injury and suffers from PTSD. They help to keep him calm. We have never had a problem taking them anywhere until today. We went to Williamsburg Bush Gardens. We were turned away because they said PTSD was not a reason for service dogs. Waisted trip. Just thought you should know.
We thank your husband for his service and we’re sorry to hear about your experience. Psychiatric service dogs are definitely considered service animals and are popular with veterans – you can read more about them at this link:
I’ve been having my dog for 2 years now since she was a puppy, and I recently moved into a new apartment that says since she’s a lab mix the only way I’ll be able to keep her is if I make her a service dog.. I don’t have any disabilities whatsoever and I can’t bring myself to take her to the shelter or set her free.. please help me find out what I can do , I’m low income so I can’t pay thousands of dollars to train her
Unfortunately if you do not have a disability, you cannot qualify for a service dog. In order to own a service dog, you must have a qualifying disability under the ADA.
I suggest discovering what kind of therapy your insurance will cover. With therapy, you can become diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder,to which you can personally train your dog at home to bring you medication that you will only take as needed, if at all. Just saying she has the ability to is good enough for most places. Hope this helped
My 1 year old daughter had an abnormal prolonged seizure. The doctors are still actively trying to find the cause of her seizure the only official diagnosis she has received at the moment is complex febrile seizures tho they had genetic testing done and she came back with two genes associated with epilepsy tho her gene variants were unknown so they can’t give an official diagnosis of epilepsy at this time. Would her temporary diagnosis of complex febrile seizures qualify as an acceptable disability under the ADA for a seizure dog even tho she has genetic markers for epilepsy? We are wanting to get a service dog cause her seizures have mostly occurred at night when everyone is sleeping and she stops breathing and has to have someone breathe for her, we are afraid she will have a seizure one night and stop breathing and no one will know. We would all least like a seizure alert dog to let us know she is seizing so we can take appropriate measures till the ambulance arrives. I’m completely new to this and any advice or help will be much appreciated
In order to qualify as a disability, the condition must substantially limit one or more major life activities. We cannot help in making that type of determination – we recommend speaking further with your daughter’s licensed healthcare professionals.
How can i get a service dog?
A service dog can be purchased from an organization fully trained, or you can adopt a dog and train it yourself or with the help of a professional trainer. You must also have an eligible disability in order to own a service dog.
To OWN a service dog you need a disability? Is that a felony or a misdemeanor to own one without a disability?
It can potentially be a crime to fake having a service dog in certain states. A service dog by definition must be trained to perform a job or task relating to a person’s disability.
We live in Virginia Beach, VA. I am interested in finding a service dog for my daughter who uses a wheelchair/walker and is diagnosed with a complex disability, I would like to find a dog that is already trained if possible. Do you of any people in my area that I may contact by chance? I look forward to hearing back from you, Thank you.
Unfortunately we do not provide references for ready trained service dogs, but we wish you the best of luck in your search.
I have a heart condition and rescued a young lab that without training recognizes. My heart rate increase when I’m out and about. He bumps me with his head to slow down my pace. If I do not pay attention to his head bumps he will stand in front of me cross ways and stop me from moving until I bring my heart right down. I also have type two diabetes.
I love to hike and don’t let my disabilities get in my way but from time to time don’t listen to my own body. This amazing pup has change that!
My question is to medical service dogs need to be signed off on by a physician or nurse practitioner in order to receive their medical alert certification?
I am not looking for a emotional support certification, thought he does make me feel safer when out and about with my condition. I am 100% looking for answers on how to have him certified as a medical alert dog!
You do no not need to certify or register a service dog – those are optional steps for qualified service dog owners. The relevant criteria is whether your service dog has been fully trained to perform a job or task relating to a disability.
What office in the Department of Justice governs this certification?
The DOJ does not “govern” or issue any certification for service dogs. In fact, you do not need any type of certification to prove that you own a service dog. The DOJ does not recognize certifications or registrations as proof that an animal is a service dog.
Very helpful, im doing my capstone prodject on service animals
Thank you!
What is a psychiatric service dog vs a service dog?
Psychiatric service dogs are a type of service dog that help with mental health disabilities. Please see this link for more info about PSDs:
What type of practitioner do I need to get my dog certified as a Service Dog? I have trained my dog to provide tactile stimulation during my severe panic attacks and he is extremely well behaved in public.
Certifying a service dog is not a requirement under ADA rules. You qualify for a service dog by meeting two criteria: 1. Having an ADA eligible disability (which a healthcare professional can assist in evaluating) and 2. Having a service dog that has been fully trained to perform a job or task relating to that specific disability.
I believe in service animals… my concern is that anyone can claim their dog is a service dog so they can do what they want when in a place dogs are not allowed.
In my humble opinion they should be required to pass a basic test and have a legal certification, such as an ID with picture.
That would eliminate a lot of misunderstandings.
If a dog is clearly not a device dog— I.e. lifts his leg in a grocery store or another unacceptable act, what can someone do without getting into trouble?
Someone I know who has a service dog fir PTSD insists my 12 pound dog cannot be a service dog. I believe that depends on the service he provides…
I have a 7 lb service dog. When I get ignorant people telling me a small dog can’t be service dogs, I tell them the things they are used for…alerting people with epilepsy that they’re about to have a seizure, alerting a dietetic if their blood sugar is dropping, alerting someone with deadly allergies to the fact that there is an allergen present, helping calm someone with PTSD, ect…
I also tell people who ask me what’s wrong, why do I need a service dog? I tell them legally you can’t ask me that, it would be like me walking up to you a stranger and asking you what your medical issues are. They usually get a strange look on their faces then and quickly apologize. Most people are very “uneducated “ in regards to service animals.
I have a question I have Paper from psychologist to I need to get tag or what she need
Service dogs are not required to have tags. Service dog owners use accessories like tags for convenience, not due to necessity.
My friend has service dog Boxer very friendly w kids and allows others too. My question dog is allowed to jump up to kiss people notthreating but most surprised. On restaurants allows him to set in aisle sometimes blocks traffic and feeds him from table
Is this acceptable behavior ? Ot does owner need additional training as well as dog. Thanks
Service dogs should not jump on or lick people in public, especially strangers. It seems this particular service dog may need additional public access training.
If you are traveling via plane, are you required to show documents? Or is it up to the Airlines for their services animal policy?
Please see this link for information on the document you will need to provide:
As a concerned disabled Vet to many people are taking this for granted and say that there pet is a service dog.I think all service animals should have a tag just like having a dog licenses and be worn to identify as such just like having a license plate or placard to identify to park in a handicapped paro spot.
Do u have training for deaf owner?
Unfortunately we do not offer training services or referrals. Our products and services are only for already qualified service dog owners. We wish you the best of luck though in finding the help you need.
Please stop spreading misinformation and making it harder for service dog teams. Please brush up on ADA law. Service dogs are not required to pass a public access test. Even the ADA says these registrations are a scam.
We think you have mis-read our article – we always emphasize that you never need to register or certify a service dog. While it is true that service dogs are not technically required to pass a public access test under the ADA, it is a highly recommended practice.
Uhhhh sorry to inform you no wait I am not sorry! There is not such thing as a SERVICE DOG REGISTRY! You do have to take your service dog IN TRAINING out in public to to get public access hours then service dog or in my case with both of my service dogs it was the handler (me) and my service dogs will take a certification test. You people need to stop giving out false information because it is making it more difficult for us that really need service dogs! Because of all of the fakes and people who have been miss informed I have to fight regularly either because someone thinks my dogs are fake or because someone has a fake dog and their damn dog don’t have the training and tried to either walk up to my dog to be friends not good when my dogs are vested, or the other dogs have tried to ATTACK MY DOGS! That has happened so many times that it’s sad and against the law as well! So I suggest people need to find the real laws of a service dog before getting one unless they want to find themselves in major trouble because they don’t know all of the correct laws of having one!
We’re not clear on what you are commenting on but we mention throughout our website and in this article that service dog registration is neither necessary nor sufficient to qualify any animal as a service dog. Again, service dog registration is completely optional and does not qualify you for a service dog. ADA rules are very clear about that. We take pride in publishing articles that correct service dog misinformation, so if there is something that you found misleading please let us know so we can look into it.
How much is a vest
Please see here for more details on vests for service dogs:
Our dogs were not allowed to fly without a carrier by airlines because they are ESA not service animal. That needs to be made clear in your description. This caused us and dogs considerable stress.
ESAs unfortunately no longer have rights when it comes to flights. Please see this post for more information on flying with service dogs:
I have 3 small dogs that help me through my depression anxiety and my suicide thoughts now landlord I s trying to make me give them up they each no what I need them to do on a daily basis one reminds me to take my medicine one makes sure I’m ok the other one makes sure I get up each day cause I would just soon stay in bed and never leave.
Plz tell me what I can do I have the statement from family dr which is also married to medical dr and attorney
You do not need any form of documentation to prove you have a service dog. Your landlord can ask two questions to verify whether you have a valid service dog: 1. Is the dog a service dog required for your disability? and 2. What work or task has the service dog been trained to perform?
Is it free to train your own dog
Under the ADA, you are allowed to train a service dog on your own without paying a trainer. However, it is strongly recommended that you utilize a trainer or the assistance of a training organization if you are not qualified to train a service dog. In addition to training the dog to perform a job or task relating to a disability, it should also be able to pass a public access test:
If asked if your dog is a service dog, but it is obvious that it isn’t, what can happen?
It certain jurisdictions you can be penalized under law for falsely claiming you own a service dog.
Hello. My son is visually impaired. He has a German Shepherd puppy that he would like trained as a service dog. How can we find a trainer? We are located in the Pitcairn/Monroeville area near Pittsburgh, PA. Approximately how much is it to get a dog like this trained?
Unfortunately we do not provide training referrals. Our products and services are only for service dog owners who are already fully qualified. We wish you the best of luck in your search however!
Hello I akc certified obedience trainer I am very interested in becoming certified for service dog training Please let me know if you offer such a certification
Thank you
We do not offer trainer certification programs or any training services in general, our offerings are only for existing qualified service dog owners.
By law in USA there are NO license required and you don’t have to have a vest or any Identification stating your pet is a service pet. All you need is training and a well behaved animal who knows it’s job.
It is correct you do not need a special license, vest or ID card for a service dog. You must have an eligible disability and a service dog that has been trained to perform tasks to assist with that disability.
I haven’t 8 month old German Shepherd, who has all the basic commands down, how much would it cost for someone to finish the training and get her certified, I have epilepsy and fall or lose my balance, I cannot drive
Unfortunately we do not provide training referrals and the cost of hiring a professional trainer can vary greatly. We wish you luck however in your search.
does a service dog have to be trained when they are a puppy?
There is no age requirement for service dogs but most are trained from when they are puppies. It is possible however to train an older dog with the right temperament and abilities as a service dog.
What if ur dog was previously registered as a service dog with its last owner but didn’t give u the papers with the dog?
To be clear, you cannot qualify for a service dog by having it registered to you. Registration is an optional step for service dog owners, but it is not the way to qualify as a service dog owner. To have a service dog, you must have an eligible disability and the service dog must be trained to assist with your specific condition
I have two German shepherd puppies that passed their temperament testing for service work. Both have started basic obedience and training and walk properly on a leash. If you know of an organization that can train them let me know
Unfortunately we do not provide referrals for training as our services are only for already qualified service dog owners. We wish you the best however in your search.
You should make it more clear that an ESA doesn’t have public access right because most people think that they do or spesify to look at there state laws regarding ESA because I believe in a few states they allow some public access to ESA
ESAs do not have ADA public access rights like service dogs. We make that abundantly clear on our website. For more information about ESA rights, this article is more relevant:
I have a service dog .. I drive a school bus ..what is the criteria getting my dog on the the state of has not been done on long island or anywhere I know of..Maybe you can direct me on who else to speak to ..going to Alany next ,no help from local NYAPT..
You’re allowed to have a service dog on a bus if some conditions are met: 1. You have a qualifying ADA disability. 2. You have a service dog that has been individually trained to perform a job or task relating to your disability. 3. The presence of the service dog will not create a health or safety hazard for others.
I want a dog for esa
Please see this link for more info on how to qualify for an emotional support animal:
My doctor wants a certicate saying my sheepadoodle is a esa pet. The doctor says when I get certicate she will write letter saying I need dog for depression cause of my many illnesses. How do I get dog certicate for doctor?
We think your doctor is misunderstanding how ESAs work. The way you qualify for an ESA is by getting an ESA letter from a licensed healthcare professional. Please see this link for more info:
What are the differences in flying commercial with an emotional support animal and a service animal? If the dog does not fit under the seat will the airline allow the certified pet to sit on your lap
ESAs do not have the right to board flights (unless they do so as regular pets). Service dogs can sit on the floor or in the handler’s lap, depending on its size, the need for assistance and the comfort of the neighboring passenger. Please see this article for more info on flying with service dogs:
I am a teacher in a public high school in Louisville, KY. After being able to bring my ESA to work with me for the past three years (returning to work following COVID shutdowns) our HR department recently banned service animals from schools. I am filing for an accommodations request to have the right to my service animal returned, but I was wondering if there are any specific Kentucky laws that allow a workplace to disallow ESAs, or if I am within my rights to have my ESA at work. Thank you in advance for any advice or assistance you may be able to provide.
Unfortunately ESAs are not considered service animals. They usually do not have workplace rights under law, although some employers accommodate them as a courtesy.
Are ESA dogs allowed in restaurants, theatres, stores etc?
No, ESAs do not have rights in those places, but PSDs do:
Do ESA’S have any airline restrictions?
ESAs are no longer allowed to board flights, but psychiatric service dogs can. Please see this guide for more details:
I wish to bring the idea or having a service animal to help with my mental illness however what is the process for it? Will I have to get an animal and train them myself or is it possible to have an animal trained?
It sounds like you’re interested in a psychiatric service dog. Please see this link for more info:
Can you please email me info on Service Dog and ESA REQUIREMENTS.
Please see this link for info on qualifying for an ESA:
I can’t find my Support harness I had for my registered Labrador.
How can I get a replacements harnesss.
Thank you,
Please see this link:
Hi my daughter name is Kimberly. She is suffering seizures from long time. Is it any possibility to have a 🐶 that helps her with the seizures.
There are service dogs that are trained to detect seizures and provide protection when they occur. We recommend speaking to your daughter’s healthcare professional and a professional trainer to see what options are available.
I have my letter from my psychiatrist that states that I have anxiety, PTSD and depression and I have trained my service dog myself she is perfect but I would like to get her the vest and iD card how much do they run as I am disabled and live on a set income.
Please visit this link for pricing info on ID cards:
For vests, please see here:
Would like my Chihuahua registered as an emotional support dog.I have stress and high anxiety.
Please see this post for more information on how to qualify for an emotional support animal:
Many places and rental places still charge even if a tenant has documentation for a ESA animal. I have been in this situation before. Also been kicked out of my place because of this.
Housing providers can never charge any fees or deposits for ESAs or service dogs. If you have been charged a fee for having a valid assistance animal, your Fair Housing rights may have been violated. For more info about ESA letters, please visit this link:
Hello all, i have a rescue dog that has become essential to my husband’s mental well being. Planning to go the the psychologist for a consultation. I was under the impression that only service dogs could travel on the plane seat, and that they restricted emotion animal from flying with thiernparents on the plane. Because our dog is a small medium dog and wieghts more then 10 kl i read they must go in the lower plane. Can anyone confirm please?
ESAs no longer have rights when it comes to air travel unfortunately. For information on flying with a service dog, please see this link:
SCAM!!! Service dogs do not require any kind of paperwork. This includes any kind of certification, registration or tags. Service dogs do not even have to be legally identified. Websites like this scam people into thinking that buying a fake certificate will automatically make your dog a service animal. People use these sites to acquire fake paperwork (which is a legal by the way to claim a dog as a SA if they are not one), just so they can have public access rights.
We think you have misread this article, it clearly states that service dog owners do not need any type of documentation (other the DOT’s Service Animal Air Transportation Form) to be accompanied by their service dog.
You didn’t read the article and yet you are commenting. Your actions are so aggravating.
Well it’s all great and I am extremely happy that there are service dogs, nevertheless there are so many people who are ordering service dog vast online and dog is not a trained service dog it’s just a dog , how can we separate this because I already had a dog mouth on my arm and as you so kindly wrote I’m not allowed to ask for the ID , personally I think it would be better that you can ask for the service dog ID to prevent an dog to end up on your arm, I know that there has to be a way and I feel so sorry about what those who have a real service dog have to go through because of others scamming…….
How do you get the certification, where do you take the test, etc? Once you have the dog trained, what is the next step (broken down)? I can’t find any information beyond “take the test and get the certification”, but how???
You might find this article on what it really means to “certify” a service dog useful:
How much does it cost to get your dog certified is each state different
There is no state-by-state certification program for service dogs. Please see this article for more info on certifying service dogs:
I’m needing to find out what all I would have to do to get me a service dog 🐕🦺 because I really do have health issues and problems and I’m trying needing get me one to help when I’m going through it so it can help me I have high blood pressure and I have epileptic seizures and a very bad heart problems and I take medications for everything the two things that been the worst is my high blood pressure and plus I have had a heart attack and do steal have small epileptic seizures at times I’m need to get all the information to see if I can get one or not to help me through my bad and good days and go every where with me
We hoped you found this article helpful, but another great resource would be to discuss these health issues in relation to a potential service dog with your doctor. We wish you the best and hope you get the care you need.
Who do I need to talk to about getting a service dog for me heart attack, strokes and high fall risk breathing issues
The best person to consult would be your healthcare provider, and then a professional dog trainer if you are unsure about how to proceed with training.
Hello my name is Kalliope Kalogeras.. I an an American citizen and wish to travel in America in November I have a female maltiz and we are inseparable.. I have SPMS and I am currently in Greece! The problem I am facing is that Emirates the airline I am taking will only accept service dogs in cabin …Caramel ( My pet dog) has done miraculous improvement to my psychology and depression I am in despair is there anything I can do to turn her into a service dog so I can take her with me? I appreciate any information you can give me! Thanking you in advance for your prompt reply KK
We’re glad to hear your pet dog has been doing so much for your mental health. Unfortunately, a regular pet does not qualify as a service dog. In order to have a service dog, you must have an ADA eligible disability. You can read more about psychiatric service dogs at this link:
I wanna fly with my dog, I am severely depressed and he helps me thru the toughest of days. He has no formal training but he does as he is told and a very calm non aggressive dog.
People with severe depression often use emotional support animals or psychiatric service dogs. However, without specialized training or the need for a disability related task, an ESA is likely more suitable. You can read more about emotional support dogs here:
Hi I’m trying to find out how to get the proper paperwork for my dog to be considered a service dog. He has been registered with the city as my service dog because my doctor wrote me a letter explaining my dog helps me in all the ways a service dog does . Only now I am unable to get proper funding from odsp that’s there for service dog owners only I don’t have the proper paperwork stating he is a service dog only a doctors letter and registration from the city. If you can help me with this please get back to me. I am a high functioning quadriplegic meaning I have some use of my upper body.
You do not need any paperwork to prove that you own a service dog (other than when flying on planes, in which case you will need to fill out the DOT’s service animal form). Registrations and doctor’s notes are completely optional for service dog owners.
How can I get my dog certified as a service dog?
Please see this post for information on what it means to certify a service dog:
No paperwork exists, a Dr.’s note is only for ESA that has nothing to do with service dogs.
When you get people or companies manipulating the facts should be a red flag!
That is correct, there is no special documentation required for service dogs (other than the DOT form when travelling on flights). ESAs on the other hand require a letter from a licensed healthcare professional.
There is absolutely none in United States required. Educate yourself at Ada website. No public access test either despite what this site says
Public access tests are not mandated by any rules. They are however undertaken by most service dog owners to ensure that their dogs can work while in public environments. There are several organizations that have standards for public access testing for service dogs, none of which are officially sanctioned by the ADA.
I read the suggestions for the letter for a Psychiatric Service Dog. However, I’m wondering if this is required or is having one of the qualifying conditions diagnosed (over a year now) enough? My dog has completed everything else.
PSD letters are not legally required, but they are helpful for you to understand whether you have an eligible disability.
Hi I’m trying to find out how to get the proper paperwork to get a dog to be a emotional support animal for my Anixinty and Depression.
The proper paperwork you’ll need is an ESA letter from a therapist. Please see this link for more information on how to obtain an ESA letter:
As a professional dog trainer, I see a lot of dogs wearing SD vests and behaving in a way not consistent with the service dogs I’ve trained and know. What are the implications and ramifications of using a vest to make your dog appear to be a service dog when it is not?
It is certainly unethical and in some jurisdictions illegal to pass off a normal dog as a service dog. A service dog should be trained to be well-behaved in all types of public settings.