Service Dog Laws – Know your rights

Do you know what to do and say when you are traveling with your Service Dog?
Taking the step to adopt and train a service dog is tough work. The bond a handler and a service dog develops is one of the deepest and most meaningful relationships that exist.
A challenge many service dog handlers face is how to travel and enter public spaces with their service dog. Especially at places with a no-pet policy. Restaurants, hotels, and airports are typically better informed about service dog laws. However, places like the beach, movie theaters, and schools are less informed about service dog rights. It also brings up specific questions that may be hard to answer.
- Is my service dog required to wear a vest?
- What if my service dog is denied access?
The most important step is to understand service dog laws clearly. We have included a few tips on how to handle and work with hostile employees who are aggressive or ignorant about your service dog.
Service Dog Question #1- What should I say when an employee asks me about my service dog?
The first step is to assess if the person is aware of service dog rules and regulations.
- If they are aware of service dog rights, simply inform them that you are traveling with a certified service dog, and confirm the task your service dog provides. Thank them for asking politely and proceed with your day.
- If they are not aware, show them your service dog certification or license. Inform them that your dog is a trained service dog and has public access rights. Let them know that your dog will not interrupt business practices and will remain by your side, as permitted by federal law.
- If they remain hostile towards your service dog and deny you access, refer them to Service Dog Certifications for more information on service dog laws. Let them know that they are violating your rights and are openly discriminating against your disability by preventing you access. Ask them to speak to their manager and stay firm but calm and polite. By staying firm and helping them understand service dog rights, you are helping other service dog handlers avoid negative confrontations in the future.
Service Dog Question #2- Do I need a Service Dog vest?
- A convenient way to avoid this issue is to order a service dog vest for your service dog. This will help communicate visually that your dog is not a pet and is a trained service dog. This may help eliminate some verbal confrontations as there is a visual indicator that your dog is a service dog. This is particularly helpful for people suffering from PTSD, social anxiety, or any invisible disabilities.
- If you choose not to have your service dog wear a service dog vest, that is your legal right. Some people choose not to have their service dog wear a vest because it is uncomfortable for the dog and distracts them from performing their task. Others choose not to have their service dog wear a vest because they are not comfortable with broadcasting that they have a disability. Remember, not all disabilities are visible and no one should be judged for trying to improve their lives. If the person you are speaking to demands that your dog wears a service dog vest, inform them that you choose not to have your service dog wear a vest but that you have your service dog certification or identification to share with them.
- If they continue to insist that your service dog wear a vest, inform them that the ADA does not require your service dog wear a vest and even specifically prevents companies from requiring this. Ask the person to speak with their manager or refer to service dog rights on Service Dog Certifications.
Service Dog Question #3- People are provoking my Service Dog, can the property ask us to leave?
Your service dog needs to be in your control at all times and cannot bark or cause a disturbance in public. However, the ADA also specifically states that a service dog may respond by barking if provoked and is not deemed a disturbance if the barking was provoked. If this is happening to you, inform a store employee that your service dog is being harassed and request they assist you. Examples of provoking include:
- Aggressively staring at your dog
- Touching your service dog without permission
- Whistling and talking at your dog in a menacing way
Service Dog Question #4- Can a person ask me why I need a service dog if I am not blind or in a wheel chair?
No one is ever allowed to ask you specifically about your disability. They may only ask you two questions regarding your Service Dog.
- Is that a service dog (if you choose not to have your SD wear a vest)?
- What service(s) does your service dog provide? (They may not ask you to demonstrate your dog’s service)
Service Dog Question #5- Should I carry a service dog license?
You are not legally required to have a Service Dog Licensed, Registered, or Certified. Many handlers prefer to carry one to avoid harassment while out in public. Unfortunately, service dog rights are not common knowledge and people often assume your dog is NOT a service dog unless you carry a Service Dog identification card. You may choose to order one and register your service dog to avoid confrontations with ignorant store employees.
About the Author: The writing team at Service Dog Certifications is made up of folks who really know their stuff when it comes to disability laws and assistance animals. Many of our writers and editors have service dogs themselves and share insights from their own experiences. All of us have a passion for disability rights and animals.
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Can my children have a service dog for Autism S her dog helps her to face the world and exercise as normally she would be in fear and not go out T all
Yes. My son has Autism and has had a service dog for four years to face the world. We got a prescription from our neurologist. Talk to your neurologist or doctor if a service dog is a good fit for your child. (Our son loves dogs, so it has worked for us.) Our son can now go out to stores, sit in church, and generally happier out in the world. I hope it works out for you!
Hi i haver service dog and i live in a apartment in san diego been here for 3 years now . Suddenly my new manager is saying people are complaining about my dog barking for 30 minutes or more which is total BS! My dog only barks when someone’s at our door or someone she doesnt know walking by but only for a few second no more then a minute . my manager sent me a email saying my service dog will be revoked because of it barking and wants to send out animal control to see our dog . I dont know all my rights but is this illegal ? I need help please and thank you.
That is not legal. Most communities have a guideline for nuisance barking to be defined as 5 minutes continuous barking with less than one minute of interruption. You should be confident that if they call animal control, they will determine there is not a problem. Provoked barking is a desired attribute and is normal. A dog should alert its owner to the presence of a visitor or intruder.
I was at a coffee shop and service dogs are always allowed here. The young woman I saw with a service dog had a baby in her arms. The young woman stood up and was talking to her baby and her service dog stood up also. The young woman put her foot on the service dogs head and pushed the dog down forcefully.
I’m wondering if this is legal or not!
I would never treat my dog this way. I qualify for a service dog but I can’t afford the cost to get one.
What if your service dog pees on a pole in Menards lawn & garden area? Can they ask you to leave the store?
No, just offer to clean it up. Accidents happen, just as if we were a child. They wouldn’t ask a parent to remove their child. A service dog is a medical device.
I have an ADA register service dog how many nationally recognized owner of my service dog I’m a disabled honorably discharged American Veteran and my ex-girlfriend is refusing to let me have my service dog which is actually according to Ada on medical apparatus the local police department here in Tonawanda New York refused to help me get my dog back what do I do
Can you contact a JAG officer for help? I’m not sure but it seems as though they might help if it’s a service-connected disability. You might want to check. Is the dog registered as yours through a service dog registry? If so, that might be enough to prove he belongs with you. I’m not an attorney, this is just my opinion. I’m sorry your ex seems to be a witch.
Im sorry for your loss of service dog . You are in the middle of a custody battle and you will need to get a lawyer. Good luck in your results.
In un a mental crisis facility and they’re not allowing me to take my service dog outside to potty this time cuz they have a concrete patio with chairs that’s outside but enclosed. I was here christmas last year and they let me take her out then. If she is hurt from not being able to go potty out front on grass with security watching like they allowed me last visit what’re my recourses? Can i sue for vet costs if her bowel bursts or she gets an obstruction and for emotional damages since it is making my illness worse not being able to care for my dog properly?
Would this by chance have happened at an Erie, PA Crisis facility?
I’m asking because I have had a similar situation with my service dog.
If a child has allergies and/or a diagnosed PTSD fear of dogs is already on an elevator, what moral and legal responsibilities should the service dog owner have. If the child goes into a panic state should the service dog owner disregard the terror the child is going through because their disability is more important then the child’s? Can the service dog owner demand or order the terrified child who was already on the elevator to get off?
Did anyone answer you. I’m in the same situation. I’ve been here 2 years and I’m now being told I have to move because I can’t have a dog over 15 lb in the park. New neighbors are complaining everyday about him being here. He has been here 2 years with no problems. He is a certified seizier dog. Help
So any person with a dog and claims it’s a service dog has the right to bring that do anywhere? A person who owns or manages a business can’t request a license for proof, because do lie, so they can take their dog anywhere? I find it ridiculous.
No. You can ask if it’s a service animal, and what action is gives to the owner. The service dog must be in total control and under the command of the owner at all times. If the dog barks, or does anything that would count as being “disruptive” you have rights to ask for the dog to be removed. I have a service dog, and I don’t bring him places when he’s not working, or if I do bring him, he behaves. Normally, anyone who has a service dog will show you their Service ID no problem. We don’t want any hassle or confrontation just as much as you don’t.
What you signed ridiculous as a federal law I have a service animal it’s none of anybody’s business what my medical condition is however my dog provides a service for me. I had a massive stroke in 2018 and that’s all I need to say but I have other conditions as well I owned a service dog who did me well for 12 years I had to retire him because of his age I now have a new one who’s in the process of learning and doing quite well you cannot discriminate against the disabled person if they have a dog is that your reasoning you have broken a federal and state law charges can be pressed against you as well as a lawsuit. So it is a law it is not ridiculous unfortunately some people are cons I just want to take their dogs anywhere mind are calm and well-behaved out in public I take them to restaurants I’ve taken them to the hospital I paid him and his movies I taking them to the grocery stores.
If I have to tell stores what service my animal provides for me isn’t that against the HEPA Law. That is having to disclose my disability to the public, and I should not think this is legal.
You only have to let them know that your dog is a service dog, and what task he provides for you… does he alert you of a medical issue, helps you get up in the morning if you have depression, or maybe he reminds you to take your medication (which could be at different times of the day). No one needs to know anything, and they cannot tell you that your service dog cannot be with you. If someone doesn’t allow you somewhere because of this, call the police and let them know the situation. Or ask to speak with the manager.
I want to know what I can do as an ordinary citizen when a person claiming to have a service dog and the dog clearly is not under control? The dog clearly was pulling at the end of the leash long before my smaller dog and I approached.
The problem is that you can’t call the police
You have to get a lawyer and go the civil court route
Which takes time( you don’t have) and money
I have a registered Epilepsy service dog, the Residential services manager Deana Glover is purposely discriminating against me because I use a service dog, she will not let me attend meetings with the other residents because I have a service dog. Her exact words were”I don’t know why you need your service dog in the meeting, when there are people who can call 911 for you if you have a seizure. ” the whole point of me needing my service dog is to help me know that a seizure is coming, but if I am not aloud to have him in common areas, she is basically try to jail me in my own apartment. What should I do?
Bring your dog to the meeting and if confronted, quietly inform her your rights concerning your medical condition are being breeched.
My husband has a service dog for his PTSD amd other problem he was not allowed to bring his dog in the courtroom the we should him the dogs ID card bailiff said not he wont let him in what should we do this dog never leaves his side
I am having a similar issue with my apartment service dog likes to sit outside with me and sunbathe and they are harassing me because they are saying he’s not allowed to be outside with me laying close or in the near vicinity with the leash still attached. Is there anything I can do?
Landlords have to allow for tenants with service dogs to use common areas as well, even if those areas usually don’t allow for pets.
if the apartment complex allowes 2 dog only per apartment can a couples be allowed to have 4 serves dogs do to both having disabliyies?
I was walking around my neighborhood with my kids and baby of 4 months when a service dog broke its leash from its owner and bit my son. The owner showed us and the police documents that it was a service dog when I made the report. Per the owner it’s not the first time the dog attacks someone. What can I do because now my son is afraid to go around our dog?
You just need to show proof that the dog attacked your son, and if it has attacked others, get proof of that too. Either show your landlord, apt complex, or show the home owners association of where you live. I have a service dog, and this is NOT how they should act. They should be under the owners command and control at ALL times.
My daughter has a service dog, she got arrested and they put her dog Inn the pound. I have been trying to explain to them not to adopt her dog out, because it is taking a long-time because of the Covid19 virus and no one is working at the court level Kim. NM. What can wedo?
I have a service dog that is an alert dog. Am I required to pay for his dog license without documentation that he is a service dog.
I read this and just am mind blowed
A dog license is levied by local governments for whatever reason. Your service dog’s status doesn’t give you special privileges that other pet owner’s don’t enjoy. A service dog is not exempt from the tax man, or paying your due to get the dog licensed.
That is correct, while there is no special licensed required for service dogs, all service dogs are still subject to licensing rules that are applicable to all dogs in a city or county.
As a Business Owner, I invoked my 2 rights to ask the owner if his dog was a service dog and what was he trained to do. His response was ‘What the hell does he look like, he does whatever i tell him to do, now just get me what I asked for…” What the heck do I do now? Is he required to answer me? The law states I can ask theses two questions, but it doesn’t state anywhere that the dog owner has to answer…. Confused.
Honestly, I don’t blame your customer at all. Its truly non of your damn business. People do not like to broadcast their disability. You wouldn’t want that either. By asking this question, its essentially asking them, what the he’ll is wrong with you. You may be legally allowed to ask them. But he also has the legal right not to answer. If I were you, I’d tread here lightly. For your business and avoiding any complaints and or lawsuits, ask yourself this. Does it really matter?
Yes, it matters. It matters because A the dog’s job to perform may be problematic in the business environment or it may need accommodation from the business in order to fully perform and B I think it’s vitally important to uphold the integrity of the ADA’s service animal program by calling out the people that are falsely using its name to carry Fido into stores with them. Untrained dogs in public spaces have accidents, selfishness shouldn’t increase that statistic.
actually, service dog owners are required to answer those two questions if asked, and if they refuse, they can be asked to leave an establishment. however, those are the ONLY questions they are required to answer.
You can ask what services does the dog perform for you.if they don’t do not have to permit them to enter…and even asking that let’s say if you’re a 20-year-old working at CVS for me my dog is service-related, So just given out my Military and medical information for me to a minimum wage teen I think is Redick, but,youre still allowed to asks what does the dogs services provide you with, a simple PTSD-reminds me to take meds is fine. I’ve gotten 500$ and 500$ from Walmart and have to be chill when you ask because Harassment of/Interference with Service Dogs:
No person shall intentionally interfere with the use of a service dog by obstructing, intimidating, or otherwise jeopardizing the safety of the user or animal. Whoever violates this subsection shall be guilty of a class B misdemeanor, so depended on how you ask and that person interprets it, could wind you up in a lot of fines and fee’s..and only a person with real service dog would have this information, or the direct line to the DOJ that’s 24 7 and an office full of lawyers for people with service dogs. So you can just hand them the card and the DOJ will tell you what’s within you’re rights, which I think big chain stores should have and also briefly explain it to employees during training. In rich areas people take there dogs were ever they want, and for 20 bucks go online and buy a red of blue service dog collar..the law is so broad,a doctor can write you a prescription for you’re dog to be an emotional service dog, and in apartment complexes, you can have 5, and not pay animal fee,which in NYS is alot…a bird, cat, frog..I’ve seen it all…you’re best bet is to use you’re judgment wisely,..if you seem to overly aggressive and the person is metal ill…you could wind up in deep sht…the laws are to loose..
I have to move out of my current property and have been looking for a new place to live and a lot of the landlord have been turning me down due to the fact I have a service dog. what can I do to go about this issue? Who can I contact about the people that have been turning me away? I do not think this is very fair due to the fact I have a mental illness and need my dog to help and he is licensed. Can I go after these landlords for discrimination against my dog
If a landlord is violating your Fair Housing rights as a service dog owner, you can consider filing a complaint with HUD. You may find this article on if a landlord can deny a service dog interesting Hope you and your service dog can find a welcoming place to stay soon.
Today I was refused entry at Baptist hospital in Lexington KY. My dog had his red vest on, and I have his card. He is a small dog who NEVER barks, and in my arms at all times. I informed the informed lady firmly but respectfully that they couldn’t deny me entry bc he’s a federally registered therapy dog. Their security man was called and he stated that they wouldn’t allow us to take my mother’s things in the hospital. They DID get a nurse to come down and retrieve my mother’s things, but I was still upset about the whole thing. I have major anxiety and ptsd. Can Baptist hospital really refuse to let us in?
No they can’t. The hospital system is supposed to allow service dogs and guide dogs.
Service dogs and therapy dogs are two different things. Service dogs are trained to help you with specific tasks. Therapy dogs are trained to help others like visiting patients in hospitals or reading with children in school.
Terrific article
I have new management and a asst. is afraid of dogs. She won’t open the office door to talk to me. She says she has allergy. Today while I was waiting for the elevator with my service dog. I heard the office door slam shut. I didn’t see her. Problem is that I had a neighbor who pounded on metal cross beams from 2-5 in the morning and that effected my service dog. This slamming the door has messed with my service dog. What can I do. I do have records of the past, but this is new. I tried to talk to the asst. But she won’t talk to me. I am going to send a second complaint about her.
Please HELP
If I had a neighbor slamming doors I slam my door right back you slam your door to.
A nursing home allowed me to bring my service dog into the premises but asked if I had my “papers” and then said we will let him in this once but next time he needs his papers. What do I do. Isn’t this Illegal? Do I report this business?
I rent a house and the owner wants me to pay more rent because of the service dog. It’s my moms dog she has diebites and the dog tells her when her bloodsugar is low. What can I do, how can I defend my self? Is it illegal for the owner to add more to the rent? I understand that the owner can only ask 2 questions, “is it a service dog and what service does it provide”
Landlords are not allowed to charge extra fees or deposits for service dogs.
I recently went to a buisiness that said i couldnt bring my dog in, and i informed him she is my service dog .He said she is not, and wouldnt let me on the property. So my question is ,”what are my options as far as showing that she nor any service dog arent the problem”?
You can remind any business that they are obligated under the ADA to accommodate service dog owners. They can verify a service dog by asking two questions: 1. Is the service dog required because of a disability? and 2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?
I took my dog in a dollar tree with me today she is a service dog and I carry card and she has a service medal as well. She ia a small dog and I was caring her. At the register, the cashier yelled through the crowd, she yelled “that dog is not allowed here” I informed her she is a service dog and I carry card, her response was “sure she is” The manager went over to tell her she is and she knows me. again the cashier shrugged her shoulders and said sure. I replied, I told you and you owe me an apology, The other cashier turned and said to me calm down, At his point the cashier had customers yelling at me and again. I stood up for my rights and showed and gave the manager my card and told her to keep it and educate them with it. manager is a nice lady but clearly afraid to correct the cashiers under her, I stood my grown under the harassments by 2 cashiers and a couple of older ladies that just wanted to be agitators. Due to all this by the time I got in my car I had a full asthma attack, I never thought to get a lawyer on any level till now, Only to stop this harassments towards dog owners who need their animals and stop the ignorance of these rude and aggressive people, stores need to educate their staff. this should not happen.
We’re sorry to hear about your experience. You should not have to show an ID card in order to have the rights afforded to service dog owners. An ID card is completely optional. The store must accommodate your service dog if you can answer the two questions permitted under the ADA.
I have a service dog and would like to know what service a dog can do for you that you can carry? The registration card is a hoax and fake since there is no service dog registry or certification. As an actual service dog owner with a 20k trained service dog I know that the cards are fake and i am appalled at the fact you would say it in a public forum if it is a true service dog. Those fake cards / id’s are what causes issues with people like me who have an actual service dog. Not to mention it is a crime to claim you have one when it truly isn’t. I have called out many a person who claims they have a service dog and its nothing but a pet or an ESA, which is NOT a service dog. My dog has a passport and flies for free and will ignore anyone and anything on an airplane, on a bus,or in public. She is trained to go under the table in every building we enter if there is one.
My dog is trained for PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Personal Space, and assisting me in walking. She is a Belgian Malinois and weighs 65lbs, not a small dog that I can carry or pick up. Everyone I know that has an actual service dog has full size dogs, labs, boxer, pit, German Sheppard, belgian, and i have seen one that was a greatdane and not one of them carry a card saying they have a service dog.
Service dogs can come in all shapes and sizes. And it is correct that you do not need any type of ID card or registration to prove that you have a service dog. These items are completely optional for actual service dog owners and can never be required.
Most businesses are not good at allowing a service dog. I have one and have had for almost 20 years. I am almost deaf and my dog alerts me to sounds I do not hear and to idiots that give me a hard time. By the way if you run into this …. file a complaint with the US Justice Department, there is a $100,000 dollar fine for denying a service animal access along with the owner…Secondly call the police and stand your ground. I am a former officer and most officers with handle the problem for you.
I was under the impression that if someone comes into a store with a dog you are not allowed to ask for proof that it is a service dog? So why are people questioning this all of a sudden? I also understand that people can buy vests just to put on their dogs to pretend.
Third parties are allowed to verify a service dog under the ADA by asking two questions: 1. Is the dog required because of a disability? and 2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?
Ass a business owner, a very small cafe, I absolutely am not comfortable with any dogs in my establishment. More and more people are bringing dogs in. What about the rights of now n-dog owners? Why must I be subjected to dogs in my FOOD establishment? I’m ready to counter sue. Dogs don’t belong in pristine environmental areas. Not fair to wildlife and those who keep their dogs HOME
As a business owner you have the right to verify that a person is a true service dog owner. You can ask two questions under the ADA: 1. Is the dog required because of a disability? and 2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?
Can I own a service dog if I dont have any issues needing one ? I have a friend who’s going away for a long time and I wanna take care of him but hes a service dog can I legally able to have him without and keep his license and be a owner for him cuz I dont wanna see him put down
Absolutely not – one of the primary requirements for owning a service dog is the handler must have a qualifying disability and need for a task-trained service dog. In addition, you cannot qualify for a service dog by obtaining a license.
I work in retail. Can I assume if a dog is pulling the owner around the store not walking quietly (barking) & calmly by the owners side that it is not a service dog? What other animals are considered to be service animal? What if a dog on the leash poops on the floor in a public retail store?
Only a dog can be considered a service animal. As a retail store worker you can ask two questions to verify the service dog: 1. Is the dog a service dog required for a disability? and 2. What work or tasks has the dog been trained to perform? Service dogs must be well behaved at all times in public areas, defecating in a store would not be acceptable.
Hello! I really appreciate the recognition and help on service dogs, but I would like to inform the public that a “certificate” does not mean much, it is for the owners help, to lower the number of confrontations they may get. This seems a good source because it is one of the few that clearly states you don’t need a certificate to verify your service animal. Thanks!
Thank you! We strive to provide accurate information for service dog owners as there is a lot of misleading information out there. As we mention throughout our site, you do NOT need a certificate, they are used at the discretion of service dog owners for their convenience.
It’s a misconception that people with service dog use ADA as a shield to get what they want. Store owner still has the right to kick anyone out from their store, not because of having a service dog, but being harassed or causing disturbance of the peace etc..
Service dogs must always be under the control of their handlers, a service dog can be asked to leave if it is misbehaving.
What can a disabled person do if a coworker continuously makes complaints to management about a service animal because they don’t like dogs. There have been no issues related to the animal and they have even said to other coworkers they don’t like the animal just bc he is a dog.
The person should speak with the company’s HR department if they feel like they are being harassed because of their need for a service dog. Anti-service dog behavior in the workplace is absolutely unacceptable. ADA rules were designed to prevent discrimination towards disabled people that require the use of a service dog.
One of my bosses has questioned me about my service dog at least 3 time. Each time I have told her my dog is a registered service dog. When does this become harassment? (My social anxiety goes through the roof and I start shaking everytime)
You don’t need to prove a dog is registered for it to be a service dog. Third parties can ask you two questions to confirm that you have a service dog: 1. Is the dog a service dog required for a disability? and 2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?
Can a business stop you although you have a service dog ID present on a badge and attached to lanyard around your neck. The business wanted to have me sign a liability waver .
You do not need to present an ID card to get service dog rights. The business has the right to ask you two questions: 1. Is the dog a service dog required for a disability? and 2. What job or task has the dog been trained to perform? Businesses also cannot condition entry on signing of a liability waiver.