In the Press
Our industry-leading publications, infographics and educational materials have been cited by many organizations, including the following:
- U.S. News – Quotes SDC on how landlords are allowed to verify service dogs.
- American Kennel Club – Cites SDC article when writing about how each airline has its own rules regarding service dogs.
- WebMD – Lists SDC as a source pertaining to how a mental illness may or may not qualify you for a psychiatric service dog.
- Texas Health and Human Services Gov – Cites SDC article when writing about how the ADA defines service dogs and what qualifies.
- Texas Humane Network – Cites SDC article when writing about key differences between ESAs and service animals.
- FindLaw – Cites SDC article when writing about a case involving a condo owner refusing access to a service animal.
- SlipperyRock University – Cites SDC article when writing about rules surrounding service animals in training.
- NYC Gov – Refers veterans to SDC article to learn the steps to adopt a service dog.
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To be considered a Service Dog, a dog must be individually trained to perform a job or task relating to your disability. Be aware that there is no official organization that sets training standards in the U.S. You are not required to work with a trainer – the ADA allows handlers to train their dogs on their own.
– “Service Dog Requirements”
The VA has developed a program to provide qualified veterans with service dogs. Upon diagnosis of either a physical or mental disability, a veteran can apply to have a service dog that will be covered under veteran benefits.
– “Steps for Veterans to Get a Service Dog”
Under U.S. service dog laws, you cannot qualify for a service dog just by obtaining a certification. Certifications are obtained by service dog owners as an optional step for personal convenience, but they are not mandatory. Thus, while service dog certifications can be beneficial, a third party cannot insist on seeing a certificate in lieu of proper verification procedures.
– “How to Certify a Service Dog”
You are not required to register your service dog but many handlers choose to do so for certain benefits. Most handlers prefer having identifiers like a service dog identification card, tags, or vests to clearly signal their dog is an assistance animal to avoid unnecessary confrontations.
– “How Can I Make My Dog a Registered Service Dog?”
Psychiatric service dogs are trained to do work that allows people with psychiatric disabilities to function in everyday life.
– “Psychiatric Service Dog”
If your current therapist or doctor agrees you have a condition that qualifies for an emotional support animal, they may write you an ESA letter. The ESA letter will be signed and dated on the professional’s letterhead and contain a ‘prescription’ (more accurately, a recommendation) for an emotional support animal.
– “How to get an Emotional Support Dog Letter”
Under the ADA, the hotel cannot charge an extra fee for the service animal as they would a client with a pet. This also means you and your dog will be allowed in public areas of the hotel, as well as to a room and floors not normally designated for people traveling with pets.
– “Service Dog Rules for Staying in Hotels”
Under the DOT’s new rules, an airline cannot prohibit a service dog solely because it is a certain breed. The DOT recognizes that all types of dogs can serve as effective service dogs and disallows airlines from stereotyping certain breeds.
– “Flying With a Service Dog”
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