Andrea C.
My landlord use to bully me about my emotional support animal. Service Dog Certifications informed me about rules associated with emotional support animals. Now I live with my ESA, Biscuit, without any worry.
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When Stores Can Refuse Your Service Dog
According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), service dogs should be allowed into any store most of the time. A store owner can legally exclude a service dog if they are actively growling, snapping at, or frightening customers, or if the dog is obviously out of the control of its owner. Ordinary behaviors — […]

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How Much Should I Exercise My Service Dog?
Like any dog, a service dog needs exercise. While their work to support you involves a certain amount of physical activity, there’s a good chance it’s not enough to keep your dog healthy. The amount and type of exercise needed will depend on your dog’s breed and age. Fortunately, there is a wide range of […]

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Montana’s Emotional Support Animal Laws
Walk through any Montana neighborhood with rental properties, and you’ll likely spot them: the quiet cat watching from a window in a “no pets” building in Bozeman or the pup roaming the lobby of a Missoula apartment complex that doesn’t allow dogs. Emotional support animals exist in a unique legal category that has confused some […]

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