Emotional Support Dog Certification and Registration

If you want to certify and register your emotional support animal, just follow these 4 steps:
- Obtain an ESA Letter
The only way to qualify for an emotional support animal is by getting an ESA letter. You can’t register or certify an ESA unless you have one. - Register Your ESA
Once you have an ESA letter, you can voluntarily register your emotional support animal with Service Dog Certification and get an ESA ID card linked to your registration number. - Order a certificate
You can order a certificate through Service Dog Certifications in addition to the ID card that will state you have met all the requirements for being an ESA owner. - Present Your Documentation
You can present your ESA letter along with your registration number and certificate to your landlord. However, your landlord is only entitled to see an ESA letter; the rest is at your option.
While a certificate and registration are not legally required, they can reduce hassle and provide an extra layer of validation for your emotional support animal. Service Dog Certifications offers a convenient way to complement your ESA documentation and obtain proof of registration and certification for added peace of mind or to appease difficult landlords.
Benefits of ESA Certification and Registration
Many owners find value in registering their emotional support animal on a voluntary basis. Here are some potential benefits:
- Streamlined Identification
An ID card or certificate can quickly convey your animal’s status without sharing private medical information, and your ESA letter may contain details you don’t want to share. This can be particularly useful in situations like dealing with building staff in a no-pets lobby. - Increased Confidence
Having display accessories can boost confidence when bringing your ESA into no-pet areas. They signal staff and other residents that you don’t have just a normal, everyday pet. - To Meet Landlord Requirements
Many landlords request proof of registration and a certificate for support animals, unaware they can only ask for an ESA letter under ESA laws. Instead of fighting with housing providers about the issue, some tenants will obtain registration documents to avoid conflict.
While ESA registration and certification services can offer benefits, it’s important to keep in mind that the only legally recognized document for an ESA is a letter from a licensed mental health professional. Before considering any ESA accessories, be sure to secure your ESA letter first.
What Does an Emotional Support Animal Certificate Look Like?
An emotional support animal certificate from Service Dog Certifications contains the following:
- An attestation that you have met the requirements for qualifying for an emotional support animal (by getting an ESA letter).
- The name of your emotional support animal.
- Your name, as the ESA owner.
- Your unique registration number, linked to Service Dog Certification’s emotional support animal registry.
- A statement about your rights as an ESA owner under the Fair Housing Act.

Empowering Your ESA Journey
Getting your landlord to accept your emotional support animal can sometimes be challenging, but armed with the proper knowledge and documentation, you can confidently assert your rights and enjoy the companionship of your ESA.
While your ESA letter is the basis of your legal rights, additional documentation like registration and certification can help bridge the gap between legal requirements and real-world interactions.
About the Author: The writing team at Service Dog Certifications is made up of folks who really know their stuff when it comes to disability laws and assistance animals. Many of our writers and editors have service dogs themselves and share insights from their own experiences. All of us have a passion for disability rights and animals.
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Does a landlord have the right to ask the tenant to not leave their ESD home alone for long periods of time?
How long is this process?
Don’t fall for this. The certificate is worthless and should be. These dogs have no training and no more rights than any pet.
We ask that you please read the article again: you qualify for an emotional support animal by getting an ESA letter from a licensed healthcare professional, certificates are completely optional. And emotional support dogs absolutely do have rights under both federal and state housing laws. They have housing rights but not travel or public access rights. You are correct that ESAs do not require any specialized training (unlike service dogs).
Can I just pay for a certificate for my dog to be emotional dog
The certificates we offer are only if you are already an ESA owner. To qualify for an emotional support animal you first need to get an ESA letter from a healthcare professional. We offer a service where you can easily connect with a provider online to get one: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/esa-letter/
Now that the FDA and DOT will be changing their rules and resclasify an ESA as a pet, where do we go from here? I can’t afford to have my dog trained as a therapy dog. This will change the rules for everything. Fair housing. Buses trains. How do I certify my dog fir travel? I think this is illegal and inhumane for those of us with mental health issues.
Yes, these are truly great concerns. But don’t fully give up hope just yet. We will see in January how the new rules play out when the different airlines release their new guides on traveling with assistance animals. Turning an ESA into a service dog isn’t feasible for many, but some ESA owners may be able to train their dog to become a service dog if they have a need for a task trained animal to assist with their disability. You may find this article on the DOT’s new rules helpful: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/flying-with-a-service-dog-guide/
You can train your dog yourself, just have a little patience. Get the breakdown of what the dog needs to be trained for, you can call a trainer or search on Google per state you reside. Train the dog in each category, take the test with your dog and once he passes it you should get a Legal certificate.
You can absolutely train a dog yourself, but we want to note in context of this article that you don’t need specialized training for an ESA and you don’t need a certification (for an ESA or a service dog).
How much to get 2 Certificates my daughter has two labs for depression and emotional support and her landlords are giving her a hard time now she’s had them for a shoot since 2012 inches first time we’ve ever had any issues
If your daughter has emotional support animals she will need a signed ESA letter from a licensed healthcare professional. You can also obtain a certificate later, but that is completely optional. Please see this article for more information: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/how-to-get-an-emotional-support-dog-letter/
To whom it may concern,
My ESA dog and my girlfriends ESA cat are newly moved to Orange County and we are dealing with a very hostile apartment manager who is threatening that they will be evicted unless we supply a license by tomorrow. Mind you, we are not denying the license nor giving a hard time but we have been having difficulty with covid and getting an appointment. My question is if our ESA animals are required to even attain a license even though we have already supplied the ESA documents showing a letter from a proper licensed medical healthcare provider?
You do not need a license for an emotional support animal, there is no such thing as an official “license” for ESAs. The only documentation you need is a letter from a licensed healthcare professional.
Do i need any doctor or legar permit from the state of calirornia to get a certificate of a service dog
You do not need a special permit or certificate to own a service dog. The only permit or license you might need is one that is generally applicable for all animals in your area. Please see this article for more information on psychiatric service dogs: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/psychiatric-service-dog/
I am looking to have my dog certified as my emotional support dog For my anxiety depression and posttraumatic stress disorder my dog makes me feel happy and hopeful he is a very loving dog he makes me feel loved and I love him also
You do not need a certification for an ESA. Please see this link on how to qualify for an emotional support animal: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/how-to-get-an-emotional-support-dog-letter/
I like to know how to make my dog an emotional support dog.
Please see this article for more details: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/how-to-get-an-emotional-support-dog-letter/
I had a major panic/anxiety attack a couple of years ago & still suffer from it. My dog is such a gift from God &/what helps me through each day. My doctors office will not license him because they did it for some other person & got sued when the dog bite a person. What do I do now? I will NOT give up my dog & get very stressed out just thinking about it. We live in our 5th wheel now but places we visit like our kids won’t let animals be there unless they are approved. I don’t know who can help me. Can you?
Thank You,
Deborah Partsch
We assume you mean you requested an ESA letter from your doctor and they declined. We suggest using an online provider that can connect you to a healthcare professional that specializes in ESA recommendations online. Please see this link for more details: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/how-to-get-an-emotional-support-dog-letter/
I give great thanks for this website saving me from giving my best friend away thanks. Thanks again. My tears are very real and I cry a lot and Daisy does help me I don’t know what I would do without her she’s cuddles with me and she saves me a lot she’s my very best friend I love her
Where in McMinn county Tennessee can you obtain a support dog card have a prescription from my pyschian will this be acceptable it’s for post stress trama
You do not need to obtain any type of card if you have an ESA letter from your physician. Please see this post for more info about ESA letters: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/how-to-get-an-emotional-support-dog-letter/
I already have a letter from my primary care doctor who handles all my medications for my mental and physical health. And he prescribed me an Emotional Support Dog or service dog. So what else would I need for the certification so I can have him at home and at work with me?
If you have a valid ESA letter you can also obtain a certificate to show that your pet is an ESA. Getting a certificate in addition to an ESA letter however is for your convenience only, it is not mandatory.
How do I get one I already have the letter I’m trying to get a card or certificate of some type
Please visit this link: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/emotional-support-animal-id/
Looking to register my morkie as my emotional support animal
To qualify for an ESA you need an ESA letter from a licensed healthcare professional: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/esa-letter/
I was told that you cam Tae your ESA on flights, hotels and even out to dinner.
ESAs do not have legal rights for flights, hotels or restaurants. They only have rights for housing under the Fair Housing Act, which allows them to live in no-pets buildings free of charge. Only service dogs have broader public access rights under the ADA.
This is not true, service animals have those privileges but ESAs are NOT service animals and are not necessarily allowed on flights, hotels, restaurants, etc.
You don’t need anything more than the letter from your qualified person–in this case, your doctor. There is NO certification or registration that is recognized by any state or federal housing agency.
I have a letter how do I certify with the state? Do you have a link please?
You do not need to certify an ESA with the state. The ESA letter is all you need to prove that you have an emotional support animal.
What about cats
Cats make for great ESAs! They can qualify as emotional support animals in the same way that dogs can – with an ESA letter. Please see this article for more information on emotional support cats: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/emotional-support-cat/
After the first year of having an ESA certificate do I need to pay every year to keep my dog certified?
An ESA letter is what keeps your pet qualified as an emotional support animal. ESA letters should be renewed annually: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/how-to-get-an-emotional-support-dog-letter/
How do I get this I have PTSD and need it for an apt
If you need help getting an ESA letter please see this link: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/esa-letter/
What about dog license with our county? My dog is registered as an Esa so do I still have to pay for his dog licence or is it free for him?
Emotional support animals are not exempt from local dog licensing requirements that apply to all animals. The only document needed to qualify for an ESA is an ESA letter from a licensed healthcare professional, no special ESA registration is required.
I want to take me ESA on a cruise with me. This is what’s on their site “Service dogs in training as well as emotional support dogs, which are not recognized by the US Department of Justice, are not permitted on Carnival ships.Service dogs in training as well as emotional support dogs, which are not recognized by the US Department of Justice, are not permitted on Carnival ships.” What do I need to do to have them recognized by the US Department.?
Unfortunately emotional support animals do not have public access and travel rights. They only have housing rights under federal and state housing rules.
I have a prescription for an emotional support dog but they said it can’t exceed over 40 pounds the dog I want is over the 40 pounds that is wrong
If you have an ESA letter from your doctor or therapist, your dog is considered an emotional support animal and is thus exempt rom weight limitations. Even if your building has a policy that limits the size of dogs, that policy does not apply to qualified assistance animals.
I have a timeshare and management informed me my dog has to be a service dog. They informed me emotional support dogs are not acceptable. Can they do this?
In the U.S. emotional support animals have housing rights just like service dogs. Both the federal Fair Housing Act and state housing laws give ESA owners these rights.