Emotional Support Animal Registration

Service Dog Certification’s Emotional Support Animal Registry is one of the most trusted registries online. With a decade in existence, it is a trusted database for ESA owners who want to register their ESA and obtain a linked ID card.  

Register your Emotional Support Animal

By registering your ESA, you can access a unique ID card with a registration number linked to a registry that is accessible online. Register today and join the thousands of users who trust us with their emotional support animal IDs.

Emotional Support Animal ID Card


1) Add ESA and Handler Info

Information must be exactly as you want it to appear on the ID card.

Please enter dog name!

Please enter handler name!

2) ESA photo
File types accepted: jpg, png, gif, bmp
Max file size: 10 MB

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Please upload photo!

3) Additional Options
4) ESA Letter
5) ESA Vest
Click here to see vest details

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to register my ESA legally? 

No, emotional support animals are not required to be registered. Nor does registering an emotional support animal confer any legal rights. The only way to legally qualify for an emotional support animal is by obtaining an ESA letter. Registration is an optional step that gives handy benefits like an ID card and entry in an online database with other ESA owners. 

Why should you NOT register an ESA?

These are invalid reasons to register your ESA:

  • Registering an ESA instead of obtaining an ESA letter. You cannot substitute an ESA letter with an ESA registration.
  • Trying to gain public access. Stores and other public venues do not have to legally accommodate ESAs, regardless of whether you have an ESA letter or registration. ESAs only have housing rights in the United States.
  • Passing off an ESA as a service dog. ESAs do not have the specialized training required in order to have service animal rights.
What’s the difference between an ESA registration and an ESA certification?

While both terms are sometimes used interchangeably, they are very different. An ESA registration involves adding your ESA to an ESA database. It’s a voluntary process and doesn’t grant any additional legal rights.

The term “ESA Certification” can be misleading. There isn’t a formal “certification” for ESAs. The only official document you need is an ESA letter from a licensed mental health professional.

How long does it take for my ESA registration to take effect?

ESA registration is instant! You will get a digital version of your Emotional Support Animal ID card, and you can look up your emotional support animal in our online registry right away.

Why isn’t this ESA registry free?

Our ESA registry is privately maintained and comes with an associated ID card. You are not mandated to include your ESA in a registry, it is done voluntarily. There are no government-run registries specifically for emotional support animals. 

Should I get an ESA letter if my ESA is registered? 

You cannot be included in our registry unless you have an ESA letter from a licensed healthcare professional. Our ESA registry is only open to people who have qualified for an emotional support animal by getting a valid ESA letter. 

What about local animal registration rules?

Many cities and counties have rules regarding the registration and licensing of pets. This should not be confused with ESA registrations. If your city or county requires all pets to be licensed, you must comply, even if you have an emotional support animal.

Service Dog Vest

Our vest is padded for your dog’s comfort, sturdy and water resistant. Made out of high density poly-coated fabric, this vest offers unrivaled strength and durability. The vest features a welded ring to attach a leash and comes with “Service Dog” and “Do Not Pet” patches. Available in two variants. All sizes in inches. (How to measure your dog?)

Service Dog Cape-style Vest

Size XS*
chest size: 11-17 inches

Size S
chest size: 17-20 inches

*Extra Small vests do not include an ID card holder or handle

Reflective Service Dog Harness Vest

Size M
chest size: 21-28 inches

Size L
chest size: 28-36 inches

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