What if I am discriminated against because I have a service dog?

What should you do if you are discriminated against because you have a service dog?
Public perception and the law don’t necessarily agree in this area. If you believe you have been prevented from accessing a businesses products or services because you are disabled and happen to have a service dog, the first step is to document the incident and present your complaint to the business. The next step is to file a complaint with the appropriate federal and state agencies (often this is the Human Rights Commission). Finally, take your experience to the web. Filing a report on sites like ripoffreport.com and trustpilot.com will often catch the attention of the senior management of the store.
About the Author: The writing team at Service Dog Certifications is made up of folks who really know their stuff when it comes to disability laws and assistance animals. Many of our writers and editors have service dogs themselves and share insights from their own experiences. All of us have a passion for disability rights and animals.
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I was asked not to bring my service dog back into the recreational building where I was living. I was asked even after the owner witnessed what my service dog did before and during my seizure. The owner stated that she was afraid of what certain guest would feel or react to my dog being in the rec hall. She didnt want the “winter texans” to be offended
I was denied the opportunity to attend a very important court date in regards to custody for my child the security guard would not allow my and my service dog to enter the court room and then she demanded that I tell her the services that my dog provides me.
Third parties are allowed to ask two questions to verify your service dog: 1. Is your service dog required due to a disability? and 2. What work or task has your dog been trained to perform?
I went to a business 10/09/22 in San Leandro I have a service dog due to mobility issues he wears a special harness to assist me and I walk with a cane. They told me no dogs are allowed and refused service stating they had the right to refuse service to any one. My animal goes everywhere with me hospital, Dr.appointments, dentist I have never had an issue until now.
Sorry to hear about the trouble you had. We suggest speaking to the manager or owner of the establishment to discuss your situation. The employee may have been untrained when it comes to service dog rules. Third parties can ask two questions to verify a service dog, and only if the need for the dog is not obvious: 1. Is the dog a service dog required for a disability? and 2. What work or task has the job been trained to perform?
I have an 8 & half year old service dog who I’ve had since she was six weeks old & was certified at 3yrs old as my service dog. When we went to look at a place for rent all was good until I they saw my dog, then they took back the keys & told us to leave. What can I do ?? Should I be homeless because I NEED my service dog ???
If you have been discriminated against by a landlord due to your need for a service dog, you can consider filing a complaint with HUD. You should however try to first have a discussion with the landlord about your situation and try to resolve any issues directly.
I was rudely discriminated against by a manager at a Hooters restaurant. I happen to be running errands last minute and wanted to pick up some to go chicken wings to go home and finish my busy night. I had my service dog with me who goes everywhere with me. When I walked up to the Hooters outdoor bar I waited until somebody walked up and asked if I could order it to go order at the outdoor bar. This person who happened to be the manager says you have to go inside but… I said she’s okay she’s a service dog and never leaves my side. On the way inside she followed me and said what’s your handicap? Insulting this could be I turned around and said You know it’s illegal for you to ask that. She rudely cut me off and said no you’re wrong that’s the only thing I can ask. I felt like saying it’s none of your business. I had my service dog ID with me the dog sitting by my side who never even sniffs around was not the issue. The issue is this woman profiled me from the very moment I walked up to the bar and refused me service without even ever looking at my dog. She decided that I was not disabled in any way and I did not belong in a restaurant and kicked me out. She looked at me and said this is not going to happen You do not belong here. Instead of making a scene asking for a police officer to come make a police report and show him my service dog ID I simply left insulted as can be. I figured I would write this up the moment I got home to better business bureau so the executive at Hooters could see how they train their managers. I asked that they have their managers learn some manners to begin with and learn when they can and cannot ask someone with disabilities. This was more of a discrimination and profiling issue than it was a service dog issue because my God was never the problem sitting by my side while this lady is demanding to know what my handicap was. Anybody would have disability would agree with me that is none of her business. My dog has been trained as a service dog the first thing they teach me is that no one should be asking me what my disability is. The back of the ID says what this woman can and cannot do and she broke every bit of those rules. Even more insulting is Hooters ignoring this complaint we’d better business bureau. They are sweeping us under the rug like they do everything else. All I was asking for is to hear from Hooters and how they train their managers to be so rude however they are refusing to answer this complaint and I need to go to the next level. Please help guide me on what the next level is. This woman did this front of a full restaurant embarrassing me to walk out with red face and embarrassment as I wasn’t even worthy of ordering it to go order at Hooters restaurant. If they can kick out anybody with disability whenever they feel like it what protects people with handicaps? I keep saying she treated somebody with disability extremely tasteless in poorly but it is more of a profiling than anything. She never wants looked at my dog never once cared about the dog It was all about her thinking I was faking all this and brought in some dog off the street apparently. Maybe she should have looked at the behavior of the dog in this crowded restaurant. My dog never left my side. Hooters has cameras I’m sure in the surveillance footage should be pulled and looked at but the longer they keep ignoring this they’re further they can make this go away. I need help on who to reach out to because these people just get away with everything. All I was going to ask for as an apology from that manager and some training to their manager but now Hooters shows who they are as a business and just like every other company that has employees that break laws they’re just trying to hide this and make it go away. If I let this go then you’re just going to continue to treat people poorly and profile people kicked them out and treat people with disability like your pieces of garbage that don’t belong in their restaurant. At least that is the way they treated me I am not worthy of being a Hooters client to order a to go order on top of that because their manager decided I did not belong there with a perfectly certified service dog. I have sent my dogs ID and certification number in the complaint which is probably why hooter is ignoring the answer. Please help with guidance on this
While it’s helpful to have ID cards and certificates for your service dog, staff at a restaurant can never make them a required condition of entry. Under the ADA, staff are allowed to ask two questions to verify a service dog: 1. Is the dog a service dog required due to a disability? and 2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?
I’m working for a company called lsi in Nashville TN a landscaping company I come from Memphis Tennessee rode the bus down hear I have a service dog.she been with me for like two years I left her behind to start my new job. But I needed her so I asked the company about my dog and told them she was a service dog. The next day for work they made up an excuse took me off my crew to put me on another crew. So I been doing landscaping my whole life. Never done nothing wrong I followed all instructions and completed all my tasks that was assigned to me. So I know I’ve done nothing wrong. Later on that night my supervisor comes to me at 9:00 at night and tells me that they don’t want me to work for them no more. So I’m filling a former complaint with the company and aswell the FDA they have discriminated towards me for nothing all my rights have been validated by them and I’m going to prosecute them to the fullest. My service dog is highly trained and has never been a nuisance are never hurt anyone. I’m trying to get your take on this issue…
We can’t provide legal advice but we wish you the best of luck. Employers also must comply with ADA rules regarding service dog accommodation.
I was just grilled by the host of a local restaurant about my service dog and put on the spot. I told him he is a psychiatric service dog and was asked what service he provides. I told him he quells panic attacks. And he asked again what service he provides. I told him i just had brain surgery and he is psychiatric. Do i need to tell any more? I felt targeted and violated. I told him i have a Dr letter and tag and he said that doesn’t matter and that he didn’t need to see them. Am i just better off stating that I’m now deaf in my left ear from the surgery and he is an alert dog? I’ve never had an issue until today but i haven’t gone out since my surgery theee months ago.
You do not have to reply to any questions that delve into your specific condition or medical history. You only need to answer two questions: 1. Is the dog a service dog required for a disability? and 2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?