Can a Pit Bull Be a Service Dog?

There are approximately 18 million Pit Bull-type dogs in the United States, (or 20% of the dog population). The “Pit Bull,” however, is not a definitive breed, but rather a catch-all term for any dog that exhibits the appearance of this bully breed (not necessarily its genetic makeup).
In general, there are four breeds widely referred to as the “Pit Bull.” These include; the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bully, and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
These breeds are similar and do share some common characteristics, which could be why they are commonly confused for one another.
In this post, we will explore the American Pit Bull and answer the question of; can a Pit Bull be a Service Dog?
General Traits of the American Pit Bull
Unfortunately, over the years, unscrupulous people have given the “Pit Bull” a bad name. These dogs have gained the reputation for being vicious killers out for blood. Nothing could be further from the truth.
A well-bred “Pit Bull” is friendly, loving, and a devoted companion. They have no idea of their size and believe that any lap is an opportunity for love and affection.
Although the Pitty is very keen on its surroundings, it does not make a good watchdog. Yes, the Pit Bull will alert you to someone at your door, but only because it is eager to greet its “guests.”
The Pit Bull is a sturdy, energetic dog, that is very tolerant of children. However, as with any dog, early socialization and exposure to different sights, sounds, people, and other dogs is highly recommended.
Because of its need for love and affection, the American Pit Bull does not do well when left alone for extended periods-of-time.
American Pit Bull Terriers have a great need to chew. They also have powerful jaws that can (and will) make quick work of cheap or flimsy toys. Be sure your Pitty has only tough, durable toys that can’t be chewed up and swallowed.
American Pit Bull Terriers are best suited to owners who can offer firm, fair training, and gentle, consistent discipline.
Fast Facts About the American Pit Bull
Height: Up to 19 inches at the shoulder
Weight: 30 to 85 pounds
Lifespan: 12 to 16 years
Characteristics: Pit Bulls are known for their loyalty and eagerness to please. This makes them a wonderful candidate to be trained as a service animal.
The American Pit Bull as a Service Dog
Despite the stigma attached to the Pit Bull, they do make excellent Service Dogs. They are large enough and strong enough to pull a wheelchair, as well as offer physical support for those with balance or mobility issues.
Their loyal, dedicated, and intuitive nature makes them a natural for offering emotional or physical comfort for those individuals with psychological or psychiatric conditions like PTSD, depression, or social anxieties.
The American Pit Bull can also be trained to be a Medical Alert Service Dog. These animals respond to various health issues such as low blood sugar, oncoming seizures, or low oxygen levels. They can also be trained to remind people to take their medications.
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Breed Legislation and the Pit Bull Breeds
Due to the misconceptions of the Pit Bull breeds, many regions have imposed a ban on owning these dogs. However, according to the Fair Housing Act, it is illegal to discriminate against a person owning a Pitty breed when it is used as a Service Dog.
There are also two organizations on a mission to change the stigma of the Pit Bull breeds.
The Animal Farm Foundation’s Assistance Dog Training Program (New York) trains shelter Pit Bulls to push wheelchairs and to help people regain their mobility and avoid falls. It’s believed to be the only American training school that exclusively trains shelter Pit Bulls to be service dogs.
Another group in Chicago, Pits for Patriots, trains rescued Pit Bulls as comfort, therapy, and support dogs for veterans, police officers, and firefighters. The organization’s co-founder, Kelly Yearwood, says;
“veterans and first responders identify with bully breeds because they’ve both seen a lot of trauma.”
Can an American Pit Bull Be a Service Dog?
The American Pit Bull (and all the Pitty breeds) can make excellent Service Dogs. However, like any other dog, early socialization, proper training, and positive reinforcement all work together to create a well-rounded canine.
Service dogs are entitled to public access rights with their handler. This means that you and your service dog can go anywhere that you are allowed to go – like office buildings, stores, no-pet apartments, etc.
If you think a Pit Bull is a breed that will work best for your disability, be sure to seek out a reputable breeder or rescue organization. Get all the information you can on the specific dog, then go to work training it up in the ways of service.
You will be happy you did.
About the Author: The writing team at Service Dog Certifications is made up of folks who really know their stuff when it comes to disability laws and assistance animals. Many of our writers and editors have service dogs themselves and share insights from their own experiences. All of us have a passion for disability rights and animals.
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I currently have been diagnosed with SEVERE anemia. With the potential possibility of passing out, I am unable to drive anymore either. I have ALWAYS loved the breed. I would love the potential of having this breed to protect me, and look out for me.
A pitbull just attacked my chocalate lab service dog. The police tried to ticket me but my dog had all of his vaccinations and had last years and this years licences because his new one was due Sept 14th. I didnt have the old one onme so i had to have a ticket tore up. The pit had no vaccinations, no licences and hey… He got no tickets. His owner let him go to attack my dog and the 17 yr old says he always tears up thier other pit bull. He never even went to the vet. Thats backward bias and im suing for the 980$ its cost so far in the last 2 weeks. Not to mention he cant work and has been in pain. Ugh it coulda been a child
How Can I make my dog a Service dog
To make your dog become a service dog, you would need to identify what kind of assistance you require that your dog can fulfill for you. Then you would need to train your dog to perform these tasks. In addition, your dog has to pass a public access test. Once the training is complete, you may consider getting ID’s, a vest and register your service dog to make it easier for others to recognize that your dog is a medical necessity to your life. You may find this article on how to make a dog become a service dog interesting:
I have to bit bulls and they will not leave your side you go out side they went to come
If they are mean to you you have been to them
If you are nice to them they will be nice to you
What a moron.
I want a service dog like a pitbull
I Want A Dog From You Right Now
I was a sheriff for over 30 years and spent 2 years in Iraq as a contractor. While I was in Iraq my Hummer was hit with an IED that killed both my gunner and driver. I was messed up also with a. Trumatic brain injury. I stayed on for another year. Then returned back to the sheriffs dept. where I started to have trouble with my memory eye sight balance and anger issues. I went to see a doctor and was Diagnosed with severe PTSD depression and anziady disorder. I was recommended to see a second doctor where he diagnosed me with Trumatic brain injury or TBI. Between the two of them I cannot keep my balance I fall i’m dizzy all the time Emma eyesight is getting worse. I’m looking for a service dog that I could take anywhere with me when I go to places like Walmart with my wife I cannot be in there very long at all mine Andziady goes to the roof and I have to leave. I can’t be around crowds people don’t know stuff like that I’m trying to figure out how to get a service dog the best when it suits me at looking them all up reading about them is a pitbull of some type you’re active they’re not aggressive and so forth Plus the reputation I have will keep people from walking straight up to me and if I got a cute dog kids and their parents walk up to you I want to pet your doggie you know I just I can’t put up with that I can’t I can’t deal with it inhale thank you for your help
Mark, I just read your post. I understand what you are going through. Check with you local Veteran Affairs, and see what they have for training dogs to become a service animal. My dog recently past, and I am looking into finding another dog to become trained as a service dog. If you go to behavioral health at the VA ask them about a service dog training. They have programs set aside to assist. I have spoken with a couple of Vets with service dogs and they may have information about free training outside the VA. I have seen many with Amstaf or Pittys as service dogs. I hope this helps, and gives you some directions. Remember you are not alone. Thank you for all you have done.
Have any of you people ever heard of a Lab?
I’m so sorry to hear about your struggles please check out this site. You sound like a great candidate for one of his service dogs.
I rescued a pit bull who had been in a shelter for four months because people think they are bad dogs. She is in training as a service dog and I could not be happier. She is loving and loyal. She is not aggressive and would not be a good guard dog because she just wants to be petted and loved. However, as a service dog, she wears a mobility harness to aid me with my balance due to my having a seizure disorder. I don’t do well in large crowds either. Your dog should have whatever harness or vest that it needs. You would have patches stating that your dog is a service dog, do not pet, do not distract or whatever else you need. If you rescue a dog, you will need to find an experienced trainer who could help you with all of your disabilities. It won’t be cheap, but in the long run, it is a great investment that will last you a lifetime.
My daughter was injured june 2nd and she already had her bullie pit and she has done amazing with her already in the hospital therapy environment. My daughter has already trained her alot and we are looking to get her certified as a service dog. Her Dr approved her to be a emotional support dog already.
Excited for this Journey with my daughter and Thumbelina
This is great! Have always had them around growing up but just got my own. I ran across him and saved him from a family not doing so well money wise. I met his parents but we did no form of exchange for paperwork, if they had any. Does he have to be papered or registered to become a service dog? About 3 months of age now and has the best temperament and already very learning so fast with me but am already looking for good trainers in the area to speed up the process. Thanks!
My. American pittbull terrier. From shelter they about to kill her. She so innocent now her turn she save my life when i almost had a black out .
My daughter has a pitt/mastiff mixed. She learned quickly and is one of the most obedient dogs I have ever encountered. She is a pleaser and absolutely adores being loved by others. Pitts make exceptional service dogs because of their dedication and eagerness to please. My daughter is a dog trainer and recommends that ALL dog breeds be trained especially if they’re to be family pets…socialization is so important.
I have a 2 year old female and she has done wonders for my anxiety and depression and recently my husband bought me a Male who is just 3 months old. My doctor mentioned making him my emotional support dog as he is still young enough to be trained. Can anyone help me further with this.
Pit bulls are dangerous and should be banned.
I found an English Staffordshire at a rest stop when he was about a year old. I took him to the vet and trained him as a service dog. He has been wonderful. He was actually attacked by another fake service dog and showed no aggression. I have had him for 3 years now. I trained him to get several items including my medication. He wakes me when i jave nightmares and helps with stability and going up stairs. I just love him to death. He is awesome with kids as well. I have fibromyalgia and a few other dx but i have to have my husband and kids run with him at the park because he has lots of energy and i do not.
Pitbulls are not service dogs! They are killers and shouldn’t fall under service animal….. Pitbulls will turn on their own master and plenty of them have.. also killing children
I have a pit bull for my service dog, he is a great dog and my best friend. I highly recommend pit bull as a service dog they are very loving and caring dogs very affectionate. I would post a picture of him if I could.
Almost six years ago I rescued an American bull terrier from the center of a busy four lane highway where she was nearly killed. After being unable to find her home, and then a home for her, we ended up adding her to our family. We soon found out that she had been abused. Abigailigotyourtail is her full name now. Little did I know that two years later I would have a series of health issues culminating with a stroke during a heart surgery. She has alerted people on two occasions that I was having a medical emergency, and she assists me with balance as I recover from the effects of the stroke on my right leg. After stepping up to the plate to help me, we decided to have her trained as a service dog, which she aced rapidly. Today, she is my constant companion as my job requires me to walk on many uneven surfaces on building sites. She is a God-send. She knows exactly what to do and when to do it. She lives to please me. She is so gentle with kids, animals and people. She is very calm and stable in everything she does. She has her own ‘following’ and after 50 some years I finally know what its like to be in the ‘most popular crowd.’ Everyone adores her. I have 3 coworkers who were absolutely terrified of dogs, and petrified even more of pit bulls, that are now among her best friends. It is not uncommon for me to hear “Hey Abigail!” from down the street from someone whom I have never met. She is absolutely the most well behaved service dog I have ever encountered in public, and I have been spoiled royally by her. Any situation I put her in she just shines. She is charging headstrong through all the negativity that her breed has received and proving to everyone she meets that pit bulls cannot just BE service dogs, but they are among the very BEST service dogs. She is changing even the hardened hearts that were once against pit bull type dogs. I am an outdoors-man, but this leg has made it impossible for me to hike like I once did. So I took up kayaking instead. Abby is my ‘wing-man’ and adores going out on the water. She does her own version of Kate Winslet on the bow in the wind like she were on the Titanic. I thank God every single day for her and I know that if the time ever occurs where we have to separate, I would absolutely NEVER consider any other breed for a service dog. Kudos to Abby–I love you with all my heart!
Who trained her to be a service dog, my email is
I am sure it has been said a thousand times already. So here is 1001. THERE ARE NO BAD BREEDS, ONLY BAD OWNERS! Except chihuahuas, those things have been making people question evolution AND intelligent design for centuries.
I have 2 pit bulls a mother and daughter and I have several disabilities I was a cna an injured my back in 2000 what’s left me disabled I can never work again I’ve also been in abusive relationships which have cause me to have PTSD severe I also have severe anxiety I have phobia I’m going outside by myself being home alone by myself I cannot be an enclosed area I can’t be around crowds I have a fear of storms severe storms I have severe panic attacks and my therapist and doctor both wrote letters of recommendation that I am to have my dogs for the rest of my life I am trying to find somebody to train them for service dogs as I’m on a limited income and really can’t afford a lot so if anybody knows of a place that will work with me please let me know thank
I’ve also been denied housing even with the recommendation of my doctors I know there is a ordinance on breed specification but according to Tenant Resource even with a letter from your doctor or therapist you are not to be denied and I’ve been denied twice and I’m supposed to be out of my my trailer that I rent by the end of the month which I will become homeless and have no vehicle so if anyone else has any recommendations or could help me with the situation of having both my pitbulls trained for service dogs please contact me at my email thank you
I am currently fostering a pitty. He is a very loving dog but VERY rambunctious. I was wondering if you could point me in the direction for a handler in or near Newnan, GA that I can get him trained. I don’t want to have to give him up because of his behavior but if I don’t get him trained soon, it may be too late for him. I have just been diagnosed with severe anxiety and thought maybe I could do this instead of giving him up.
Alexis Jones is a trainer +17702120800
Shame on you. There are dozens of news stories about pit bulls killing their epileptic owners during a seizure. Very easy to google.
There’s nothing a pit bull does that can’t be done better by another breed. Why take the risk?
I’ve been working with dogs, both military and civilian, for 14 years. I always discourage pit bulls as a service dog, but also as a casual pet in general. They need a lot of supervision and should never be around children unsupervised. The alleged ‘misconceptions’ aren’t pulled out of thin air. The breed was designed to attack without warning, and that’s exactly what they [have the potential to] do.
Just as John said, there are countless articles of Pit Bulls maiming and/or killing other dogs, small children, and even their own owners (especially in the event of having a seizure). It’s unrealistic and irresponsible to expect service dog level training with a breed that’s been bred for the opposite. Choose a more suitable option!
The American Bully is literally bred to be a companion dog with an even temperament . They would be the perfect service dog . I think guys are putting all dogs with a certain face into one group. Now a purebred APBT wouldn’t be the best service dog because like you said it’s bred to be a game dog. When talking about the bull breeds I think you need to be more specific on which one you are talking about because certain bull breeds are literally bred for temperament. All it takes is google to learn the different bull breeds and their temperaments etc . It’s funny how everything is a Pitbull but when it comes to other breeds they make sure to categorize the individual breeds Ex. golden retrievers vs Labradors retrievers
@David actually if you would do a little research about the pits original reason for being bred, then you would know that they were bred to be a ‘nanny’ dog. If you have been working with dogs for 14 yrs you should surely know this. What about the other breeds that have bad names for themselves?? Oh yeah we don’t want to talk about that because, well why would we. Let’s just attack this one breed. SMH 🤦🏼♀️ shame on all of you!
People who fall for the nanny dog myth need only look at the name: Pit Bull. They were originally used for bull baiting, where they attacked and gored bulls, hence where the bull part comes from. They were later bred for fighting other dogs and animals in pits, where the pit part comes from.
Stfu and research well. Pitbulls do whay the owner wants them to do because they want to please their owner. There isn’t such thing as a bad breed but there is a bad owner.
You are full of it. An animal inherently bred to be violent will overall be violent. Exceptions for sure but exceptions only.
I had a Pit Bull and he was the best dog I ever had. He would go up to little children to get pets from them, he would go to other dogs to play with them ( not to kill them), he was well mannered when it came to other people! He would sit on my lap like he was a lap dog!! It is the owner who turns these dogs into the vicious dogs everyone thinks they are!! If you are good to your dog and treat them well and not train them to attack people or other animals, then they will not attack! They are like any other dog breed. Check out the list of vicious dogs, you will see that there are Chow’s, German Shepherds, Doberman Pinchures, Dalmatians, ect. All of these or any dog for that matter can attack. The Pit Bull was used as a service dog in WWI!! Please do your research before voicing your opinion! I would not have any other breed for a pet and I am looking into getting a Pit Bull for a service dog!
My pup is so sweet she loves me and loves making me happy..I’m get up in age and since she’s five mos now was wondering if she would make a good service dog for me
You stupid my dog guards my kid better than anybody
That’s what a Houston woman said a few years bckd until she got home and opened the door to her sweet dog wagging of his hind quarters with a smeared face in blood, and her baby half eaten on the floor. Lovely dog to have guarding your kids. You should be tested for stupid.
You are so unbelievably misinformed it’s insane. I’ve worked in veterinary medicine for equal amount of time as your “professional” experience. I’ve been bitten and lunged at more times than I’m sure anyone else on this thread. Let me tell you, the majority of those dogs were husky’s and shepherds.
I’m also a dog trainer as well, and proud owner of three bully breeds. People choose to make them fight dogs because of their LOYALTY. You all are way too ignorant.
Ignorance at its finest! Cats will eat their humans if they die in the home and not found, do we band those? All dogs are capable of attacking or harming someone or something. Not just pitties. Get over yourself!
Pitbulls happen to be very affectionate towards their owners, as long as you treat them with the respect they deserve. I am a proud owner of a American Pitbull terrier and he has never shown any sigh of aggression towards humans and/or pets. If you believe what other people put about them then you are missing out on an everlasting friendship.
That Is Not True. Again, Fake News! My Pitt Bull Alerted Me When I Was Going To Take An Attack. Where In The News Did You Read This? Shame On You! Google It.
What risk would one be talking by choosing a pity? Ive raised several pits, Rotties, German Shepherdsa and my most recent American blue nose bully who now is a service dog. If people would stop believing everything on the internet, and have real life experience then maybe false information can change what false media portraits.
Pit bulls should not be allowed to be a service animal. They are an aggressive breed. You hear of people all the time bites by pit bulls.
You can bite my head off if you’d like but I’m an epileptic I’ve had epilepsy for years and the 1 dog who was there when I had him was a pitbull. My daughter was 2 and she was around him all the time she even rode him for god sakes!! It’s people like you that give pitbulls a bad name! You and bad owners who treat them like shit and abuse them to the point where they think the only thing to turn to is violence because they don’t know love!! It happens with all breeds also and not just pit bulls. I know your post is old but reading this really makes me mad! I’m looking into getting another pitbull as a service animal and I have epilepsy, heart failure and chronic back pain. Oh and a 7 year old but she’s excited. Maybe you and other need to actually have an experience with a pitbull who comes from a good home and a good owner.
Hi, i was wondering how much a service Pitbull would be, so i can save up to get one?
Thank you… This is what my friends and i were concerned about. We are seniors in Hud housing. The management has .moved a young man in who has one of these dogs. Our office has said its a service dog & were in a State that allows this breed in Hud but so far there’s reason for concern. Many have little dogs here & the young man doesn’t control the leash well. His dog pulls at it trying to get at others as well as dogs. I was one of the people. I had to just stand quietly still while he investigated my leg.Your response was very helpful…thank you again. (9I think we’re up a creek without a paddle..a mussel sure would help…he’s already lunging toward the small dogs).
OMG they’re complaining and just go to the guy himself respectfully and tell him your concern I’m sure he will appreciate that can accommodate use you as a neighbor
A pit bulls temperament depends on the training. Also if you reinforce the positive things the pit bull does. You can even talk to trainers and they would tell you the same thing.
Its not the dogs fault, its the owner who does not know how to teach and show love to the bby… Dnt be mad, just learn to raise a dog as your kid. I got 1 and she is the best!!!! 3 months old when i got her now shes 6 years old so get your story right
What do you think about the pit bull that bit the childs face (3-year-old Ronin).
Check it out on facebook. ABC13-Mycah Hatfield
Should outlaw this breed. Legislation should be proposed. Insurance companies have the right idea!!!!
Its not the dogs fault, its the owner who does not know how to teach and show love to the bby… Dnt be mad, just learn to raise a dog as your kid. I got 1 and she is the best!!!! 3 months old when i got her now shes 6 years old so get your story right
There are over 190 other breeds that don’t have this problem.
If you won’t say the breed is the problem than you must say pit bull owners are a problem class among dog owners. The reputation of pit bulls attracts narcissist and social deviants as owners.
My guess is that you are a pit bull owner. Nice club you belong to!
She will turn on you eventually. Hope he doesn’t eat your face. What an idiot. You may as well have a tiger in your house.
My house insurance said they found out I have a service dog. They are demanding a picture and the breed. I have a 13 year old pitty fully trained. Is there a phone number I can call to talk to ADC?
My apts gave us a lease violation on our pit bull mix. We were actually homing her while my brother in law is away on active duty. Since then we had to rehome her. My daughter grew close to her and does have mental health issues. How can I register the pet as an emotional support dog? My daughter does see a shrink every week and can support and sign a document saying that the dog can help treat her. Please let me know. Thank you
The therapist would need to assess if your daughter could benefit from your dog as part of her treatment plan. Once they approve, they would issue the ESA letter needed to turn your pit bull into an ESA. If your current therapist is not familiar with the benefits of an ESA, you may also look online to connect with a licensed health professional that can help you out. You may find this article on how to get an ESA letter interesting
What kind of crazy bullshit is this. Pit bulls are very aggressive, super aggressive dogs. One nearly killed my Shih-Tzu, blinding him and put him on life support for 2 weeks and he has spent 3 years recovering. Everytime I walk down the street and a pit bull is anywhere near, it rears up on it’s hind legs nearly dragging his owner with him to get to my puppy. I hate those dogs. A friend of mine now has half a bottom lip gone and punctures in his face from his own loving pit bull. Yeah, they are wonderful pets until they aren’t. These animals need to be muzzled in public, period, or shot dead where they stand.
look, larry, is it? it seems that you still hold a lot of anger over an animal that wasn’t properly trained. yes, there are many dogs, not only pitbulls, that are aggressive and not properly trained. I understand your frustration, but that doesn’t mean you should shit on a complete breed.
Whomever owned that crazy dog mistreated him and that’s the way even people are if they are mistreated. However pitbulls are like Vikings or someone that’s always picked on. Instead of whining and whimpering about it they fight back. If they are trained to be loved that’s all they know and they don’t explode on people and pets.
I the aren’t aggressive unless there owner is mistreated the dog
As someone who has owned two loving and adorable Pit Bulls, they are the sweetest nanny dogs around. Super gentle with toddlers and both have loved every single person who has come into contact with them. I’ve been snapped at by German shepherds, Rottweilers, and smaller breeds, all of whom were mistreated or not socialized. I’ve never once been snapped at by a Pit Bull and I’ve been around them for a very long time. I’m sorry for that horrible experience, but we shouldn’t blame the entire breed, that’s like saying “all people from Vermont are bad because I’ve had horrible experiences with them and they should be put down.” I understand your frustration and heartache, but your comment of “shot where they stand” is terribly inappropriate and hateful.
Wow, so every pit bull is bad because one attacked your dog? I’ve seen a golden retriever almost kill another dog.
I guess that I should hate all goldens ! You are the reason pits have such a bad reputation. Think about it? That’s my opinion of coarse, who agrees with me?
So true! We’ve had 2 Springer Spaniels and they were both jerks to anyone but us, including aggression to other dogs. One bit 3 people (one of those was a 4 year old that I was watching for my friend) and my daughter has scars on her hand from trying to break up a fight the other one started with a big old goofy lab. Plus he also bit someone. I think the only reason we weren’t forced to put them down was because they look like big stuffed animals. I know 3 Springers that have been put down for aggression, though. 2 of them attacked a kid skateboarding down the street and one attacked a member of its family. I’ve known several pit bulls, one of which is mine, and their owners have had zero problems with them.
Blame the owner not the bred!
A German Shepard could of done the same thing. Any dog can be super aggressive. Look up the recent case of the golden retriever killing a baby.
Its utterly absurd you will blame all pits for the actions of a dog that wasnt trained or socialized right. Ive owned pits my entire life and i have yet to see a pitbull be born aggressive or mean. They are a product of how they are treated and trained. Ive only seen slobbery big babies. I have more reason to worry around a chihuahua.
I have a pitbull Stafford terrier and she wins hearts all over Coos county she is smart as a whip and she does 31 commands she can open doors close doors she can bring items like phone keys money pick up change that has dropped on the ground bring you your purse if your Walker rolls downhill have no fear she’ll bring it back to you she is awesome , if you fall you can use your shoulders to brace yourself and get up she’ll stand very still and strong for you she will pull you if you ask her to pull otherwise you will walk loosely on a leash she knows to leave it command you could set a big roast in front of her and she will not touch it, she knows how to turn off and on lights in a few other things that we will not go over.she loves children and she has her own little kitten that’s her cat she loves it dearly she loves every cat even a cat that tries to swat at us she is big and black and beautiful and the heart of a gentle baby when babies scream and yell around her she kisses them she was raised in a complex with 36 kids and all of them could be hugging her at once and she is in the middle of all of them getting love from toddlers all the way up to 12 years of age. Yes I do feel that these dogs have to be socializing I don’t mean a little bit but a lot this dog has been around every kind of animal from cows chickens ducks birds kittens from a very young age did not wait for her to get older and I do not and I mean do not play any sort of tug of war game with her I know the dogs do do this but I choose not to I have chose to teach her how to play I do not like her to learn to chug and pull and thrash those are things that I feel could lead to the wrong thing because they do not realize their own strength I have friends that do and their dogs are still gentle but I just don’t want her thrashing anything of mine she is so gentle she can pick up very delicate items and bring them to you unbroken. She is a medical alert , she has a mobility dog. She is my medical equipment without her life would be 10 times harder. I sure hope people raise more pit bulls like her so that the whole thing about pitbulls being aggressive is a thing of the past PS my girl has had a lot of little dogs bark and lunch at the end of their leash at her and she ignores them and walks past them I don’t know what happened in this situation where the dog got hurt but I step in front of my dog before I ever let any little dog or big dog getting near her and bother her she is there to work for me not to protect,her yourself and not to fight she knows I have her back. We have came across I don’t know how many fake service dogs in public places for service dogs that were not trained that it’s been very frustrating for us. But I can tell you every person she has met even people that hate pitbulls with a passion and we’re terrified because they have been attacked by pit bulls have fell in love with her they say she is the exception to the rule and I agree but I raised her with gentle Loving hands. I also believe that every Pitbull should go through public Access so that way there is proof that these dogs are not aggressive, any dog that goes into a public place should have a public access test my service dog is not required to have one but I got for one anyways cuz I want it to put people’s mind at ease cuz you cannot change people’s opinions if they are not willing to have an open mind, but you can prove a point. I’m with her public Access and her extreme testing and training and all the videos approved there is nobody that can ever say that she is an aggressive dog. I’ve had people run up behind her and smack her from behind on her butt trying to play with her and scared me to death but she just licked them it made me very mad because not only is it rude but it’s inappropriate for a service dog especially when wearing a vest but back to my point if any other dog that was not trained had that happen it would attack.
I don’t think it’s fair to label others as fake service dogs. They may not be as well trained as yours but that doesn’t mean they don’t provide a legitimate service… just sayin..
VERY happy to hear from your organization as it concerns Pitbull suitability in a service pet roll. THANK YOU for educating IGNORANT paranoid people.
Are there any places in Texas that you know of that can help . I have balance problems and we’ll an server depression and anxiety. I’m a Veteran as well .
Unfortunately we do not provide referrals for service dog adoptions or training.
Strange, I work in EMS. I’ve been out on countless calls dealing with dog attacks. Everything from German Shepards, Doberman, even Chihuahua’s. The worst call was actually a standard poodle. I’ve even had a couple calls where a “house cat” mauled someone. The call with the standard poodle, I thought was DOA; I have no idea how that child survived. No “Pits”… and I see them everywhere. Understand, I on many occasions have to show up to a house, and break in to get to the patient. Never had a problem with a pit, and they don’t know me, and have never met me – they usually lead me straight to the patient (Chihuahua’s are a different story). By the logic used to “ban pits”, we should just ban all dogs. Sorry, I just haven’t seen a pit be anything other than a great dog – and I’ve seen a lot of bad dogs. I even fostered one pit for a patient until he got out of the hospital. (The dog was all he had left in life) – he played with my kids, my grandkids, and was awesome! (He was a service dog btw) I do however have a list of bad people if we are going to start banning things – we should start there.
I have a blue nose pitt he is my service dog he has saved my life 3times..he is my best friend, he is 8years old. I’m a marine vet and I know we don’t have to much longer. he is already slowing down, and now me and my wife are doing everything for him to have the best life we can give him. he has given so much to us now we are giving back to him..
How much does it cost to have a dog trained as a service animal
The cost to train a service dog can vary significantly. Using a professional trainer or training organization can cost thousands of dollars. An alternative is to self-train your dog using books and video resources. You can also consult with a professional trainer to get tips on how to self-train.