Cost of Dog Training by State
The cost of training a dog to be a service dog varies by region. We’ll help you choose the right service by comparing the prices of different training options and giving you an estimate based on your state or region. Keep in mind that sometimes the cheapest option might be right across a state border […]

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How to Keep your Dog Calm While Flying
Keeping your dog calm during a flight requires preparation before the flight, like exercise and acclimation training, as well as learning some in-flight tactics. The stimulation at airports and airplanes can be stressful for dogs, but there are ways to manage their stress, which we’ll explain in this easy-to-follow guide. Pre-Flight Preparation 1. Acclimate your […]

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The Best Hypoallergenic Service Dogs
While no dog is truly hypoallergenic, there may be some breeds of dogs that are less triggering for your allergies than others due to their low shedding coats, which is essential to know if you need a service dog or a psychiatric service dog. In recent years, the term “hypoallergenic” has been used to describe […]

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